Friday, April 22, 2016

TIFU by trying to support a local business. tifu

My boyfriend was rushed to the ER this morning at about 8am, and had to undergo an emergency abdominal surgery. He is visiting me at school and doesn't have any family closer than three hours away, so I've been the only one at the hospital, the communicator to his very worried family, and the person that doctors and surgeons have spoken to all day.

That being said, eating food didn't cross my mind until about 30 minutes ago (about 12 hours of functioning on water and a cup of coffee). The cafeteria closed at 6pm, but luckily a local coffee shop had a kiosk-type setup that was open with sandwiches, salads, etc.

After experiencing a whole new level of stress throughout the day, I meticulously picked out my ideal soul-warming meal, consisting of a delicious-looking German Chocolate cupcake and a hearty vegan black bean burrito.

I contently made my way to a small refrigerator filled with water, juice, and hipster-y bottled sodas. While carefully contemplating which beverage would be the perfect accomplice to my meal, I noticed that they sold locally bottled rootbeer and non-local rootbeer. Wanting to support my small town, I chose the local beverage without question.

Feeling satisfied with my decision to support small businesses, finally getting to relax and stuff my face with food, I take a sip of what I expected to be a bold, creamy, thirst-quenching sip of freshly-bottled rootbeer. I was anything but prepared for the stevia-tasting, watered down liquid that washed over my tastebuds like the contents of a septic tank.

It was lo-cal rootbeer. As in "low-calorie". Not local. I'm done with today.

TL;DR: Tried to be a good citizen and support a local soda company. In my state of delirium, I was saddened to discover that I read "lo-cal" as "local".

Submitted April 23, 2016 at 05:33AM by redwinecat tifu

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