Tuesday, January 17, 2017

"Sexist" breastpumping room beyondthebump

So we finally got my company to set up a legitimate decent pumping room in our office. Until recently, the previous pump room doubled as a room with a couple of desks in it and no lock that was used to administer tests, and the person in it had to constantly worry someone might try to kick her out. Another expectant mom and I approached one of the higher-up female managers and got her to go to bat for us to correct this, and now we have a proper designated pumping room with a lock, a comfortable chair, a shelf to put bottles on, and a mini refrigerator. It's tiny, but we're definitely grateful for the accommodations.

Here's the thing though: some idiot HR person decided that having a room whose sole purpose was for pumping moms was "sexist." Despite the fact that they are legally obligated to provide us with one, apparently we don't want the men in the office to feel left out. So they have labelled the new room as the "Serenity Room," and now anyone can just lay claim to it for naps, phone calls, or whatever other creepy shit someone might decide to do behind a locked door. This pisses me off so much. Why can't they just let us have the damn room? And I know people are using it. I've had to kick multiple people out (at least pumping moms get first dibs) in my couple of weeks back pumping. And when I went in this morning, someone had left the container of disinfectant wipes in the middle of the shelf just wide open. Eww. Do not want to think about some gross person was doing in that room.

Submitted January 17, 2017 at 11:12PM by manguefille http://ift.tt/2k1sdci beyondthebump

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