Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Satirical essay on violent video games gaming

(Excuse mind and my friends grammar, it was an essay we made for English class on satire 11th grade)

There are people living in our society that are grenades waiting to explode. You might not always know one by looking them in the eye, but they exist nonetheless. The “pin” on these grenades, per se, are today’s realistic violent video games. With the graphical innovation movement sparked by companies like Nvidia Corp. and AMD, video games have gotten so extremely realistic that it is impossible to tell what is real life and what is just fantasy. Because of this, a person could lurk in their basement for three days straight and then come out a potential school shooter, due to the things they have seen or played within the virtual world. It is well documented that people who have committed crimes in the past have been influenced solely by violent video games (I mean, it is not like the people committing these atrocities could have been mentally unstable or anything). It is imperative that these mindless zombies be eliminated from our society in order to prevent massive tragedies like ones that have happened before. Humans, much like their primate ancestors, tend to copy what they see. The common proverb “monkey see, monkey do” is terrifying when applied to this context. Imagine someone playing a game like Grand Theft Auto V, a game where the main objective is to accumulate as much money as you can, regardless of what illegal means get you there, and then trying the same thing in real life. The game incorporates guns, drugs, rape, and other illicit activities into its addictive gameplay. Would you really want someone under the influence of these unlawful thoughts walking the same roads as you and your loved ones? Would you take the risk of letting such psychopaths into our society? How about a gamer who plays the game Titanfall 2, where the story is about defeating robots the size of skyscrapers? Would you feel comfortable letting this person near your car, or maybe even your refrigerator, given their hostile mentality toward technology? Our solution to this problem is very simple: exterminate those who play these violent games before they have the chance to take the lives of the innocent people of our world. One might say, why kill them? Why not just put them in jail? But you have to realize, these people are monsters. Having played games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Watch Dogs 2, these creatures are highly trained in picking locks and finding their way out of jail. Even killing them is risky, as they may just respawn, 5 seconds later, as their in-game alter-egos do when they die. However, this is a risk that must be taken, given the destruction that these individuals have the potential to cause. Going further, we propose that aiding in the development, or playing such games be a crime punishable by death. Even though it is simply impossible to monitor who plays these games, this should weed out all of the rowdy individuals who engaged in such garbage simply for harmless entertainment, but those who truly seek the downfall of society will not succumb to such empty threats of ours. For those individuals, the compulsion to imitate these games is too strong. Their punishment must be more severe. We must use these individuals, and the violent skills that they have acquired, and use them as watchdogs to catch their own kind: those who actively seek the downfall of the human race through the medium of violent video games. After all, as the old saying goes, it takes a crook to catch a crook. According to recent studies, “150 million americans (71% teenagers) play video games” (ProCon). This is a huge number when compared to the American population which is 300 million people. This poses a very potential and dangerous outcome between the relationship of these mindless organisms and innocent, intelligent, superior humans. Since anyone that ever touches a video game automatically becomes a psychopathic monster, each one of them will kill someone else, and all of America would become a wasteland in the matter of seconds. This however, is not only America’s problem. Video games not only transforms normal human beings into demons, but it also teaches them skills that they would not be able to acquire any where else. “23% percent of video games incorporate flying airplanes” in addition to the “35% of video games that incorporate conquering or destroying civilizations” (VideoGameInfo). This means that once all the humans in america are killed, roughly 38 million gamers (25% of 35 million) will fly to other countries and spread this disease to others. You might have thought that a zombie apocalypse would be the end of humanity, when the real plague was already eating away at our species for decades. Of course, we cannot accomplish this by ourselves. We require a credible and motivated society of people to help us catch these animals. Do not be the person that does not report these addicts to the nearest police department or call our new and functional hotline 1800-FUKVG. Without your help we cannot catch these criminals and make sure the human race continues to develop without these monstrosities. This is the only way to solve this problem so do not argue with us by providing us alternative solutions. Do not try to feed the public that bull excrement of how video games can be monitored by a parental guardian, or even worse, change the requirements to buy a violent video game. Who has the time create new laws on how to enforce video game regulation by using background checks or other extreme measures like asking the age of the consumer? Be a good samaritan by reporting this dangerous group of people to officials no matter who it is. Whether it be friends or family, anyone that plays violent video games are dangerous, so our modest proposal must be put into effect immediately. 

Submitted January 18, 2017 at 07:37AM by dravendude http://ift.tt/2iFQNtX gaming

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