Monday, January 2, 2017

Norman is unsure about 2017 lifeofnorman

Norman woke up January 1st looking forward for the rest of the year, he had his resolutions planned out, but today was his day, he decided to relax and do whatever he wanted.

He began by making pancakes for breakfast, using the sweetest toppings he had, everything was perfect, he sat there watching reruns of CSI and what would you know the rerun is his favourite episode. But then he heard it, a sad "meow", with he stress of New Year's Eve dinner Norman forgot to buy Norman some cat food. Neither Norman was happy.

But Norman grabbed some Tuna cans from the refrigerator and everything was OK.

Norman thought to himself "It's not the best beginning, but it's something" then he laid on his owner's lap and purred with satisfaction.

Norman smiled happy with the love of his cat, he decided to not get up immediately to go to the bathrooms and stay a little longer with his best friend.

Submitted January 02, 2017 at 05:55PM by OhShitARedditor lifeofnorman

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