Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Cutting meat into smaller portions sousvide

Hi everyone! I received an Anova sous vide for Christmas so I'm pretty new at this, but it's something I haven't seen covered while reading this subreddit or any of the sous vide sites. So far I've only cooked and seared whole steaks/chicken breasts, then eaten part of them and put the rest in the refrigerator to reheat later in the week. But it occurred to me that it might be better to cut the meat into smaller portions earlier and keep them seperate so I sear them right before I eat them. So for anyone that's tried it, would it be better to:

1. - Cut the meat into 4-6 oz portions and put them in individual ziploc sandwich bags. Then put the sandwich bags within a one gallon ziploc to sous vide - Sear the one I want to eat, then put the others in an ice bath to cool and refrigerate - Later in the week I can take out one of the individual bags to re-heat/sear and eat

2. - Same as #1, but skip the individual bags. Just put all the pieces in a one gallon ziploc

3. - Sous vide the entire piece of meat at once, then after it's done cut it into the smaller portions - Sear one to eat, then put the rest in an ice bath to refrigerate and then reheat/sear later

I guess the main question is if there is any advantage to have the whole piece of meat in the sous vide together, or if it would turn out the same even if it was in much smaller pieces.

Submitted January 18, 2017 at 08:44PM by JenTravers sousvide

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