Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Can my electric meter be wrong, or am I losing a ton of KWh to vampires? electricians

Hello Electricians of Reddit,

I have a ton of data to back up my claims at the bottom. Long story short, I just bought and moved to this house 28 days ago, got my first bill and looked at the daily usage. My electric company has nice charts that show your hourly/daily/weekly/monthly usage both on and off peak. However, it was way off, saying I used 28 KWh while I was not even in my house (visiting parents), with the heater and everything unplugged from wall outlets besides the fridge and gas stove. I got a little worried, and decided to cut down my electricity usage. Then one night, day before yesterday, I see on the website I used 29 KWh somehow, I live alone. I shut off everything and unplugged them. I went to my meter (Elstar R2SD, digital), read the manual, and figured I was using 100W with nothing plugged in. I shut off the main breaker, and it was at 0 watts used, good to know. Then I plugged everything in and it spiked to 2.2 KWh. I use no where near that. I bought a Kill-a-Watt to make sure I didn't have faulty appliances. This is the data for that:

Type Usage
A1 B1
Refrigerator without compressor on 14 watts
Refrigerator with compressor on 137 watts
Refrigerator with both doors open and compressor on 193 watts (I need to change the lights, they alone use 89 watts)
Phone Charger Without phone 0 watts(too low to test?)
With phone charging 17.7 watts
With phone full charge 4.9 watts
Computer Surge Protector Everything off 1 watt
Computer power off, switch on 1.3 watts
TV off, switch on 1 watt
Monitor off, switch on 1.2 watts
All three off, all three switched on 1.4 watts
Monitor on 24.4 watts
TV on 34.7 watts
Computer on 53 watts
Computer + TV 160 watts
Computer + monitor 95 watts
All three on 175 watts
All three on + two 4K videos on both screens 210 watts
Cable modem + Wifi Router 7.8 watts
Max Total 428.5 watts an hour

Now, with all those on, running all the time at max load and compressor on should be around 428.5 watts, normal usage would be 275 for maybe 4 hours, then all dropped off as I go to bed and in the morning go to work. Total 905 watts a day, without heater involved. However, Lets say I have all the above on for 24 hours a day, for 28 days (which I don't) it would be 287,952 watts, or 288 KWh. I Got billed for 333 KWh for 20 days of usage. This is Arizona, coldest it's gotten has been sub 40s, and I have my house temp at 62, then off completely from 8AM to 5PM (gets back up to 75 degrees after 10AM). I have a Heat Pump, so it may be culprit of my high energy usage, but I'm not sure.

Things about my house: * Heat Pump AC/Heater * Gas Water Heater * Gas Stove/oven * No dryer or washer used in the 28 day period * I unplug everything not being used every night, and every morning before work * All lights are either CFL or LED * No outside lights * Only one occupant * I shut off lights after leaving the room

*So my four big problems I think are: *

  • Neighbor is stealing my electric somehow
  • Electric company is messing up somehow
  • I have vampire drain somewhere
  • I am an idiot and don't know how to read or compute Kill-a-Watt / electric digital meter readings

Please tell me what you think. I would like to get to the bottom of it! Thanks Reddit

Submitted January 05, 2017 at 10:34AM by Devonance electricians

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