Saturday, April 23, 2016

Thickening lemon curd? Baking

I made a lemon curd this morning using Alton Brown's recipe, which is: 5 egg yolks, 1 cup sugar, 4 lemons zested and juiced (later in the recipe it mentions it should reach 1/3 a cup; I used 2/3 of a cup of lemon juice because I prefer a stronger flavor), and 1 stick of butter. It did thicken but not as much as I'd like. It's sort of the consistency of a thick pudding.

I'm guessing where I went wrong was either too much lemon juice, or I might not have cooked it long enough. The recipe said 8 minutes and I cooked it for 20 until it coated the back of the spoon well and I thought it would thicken as it cooled, but it's now been in the refrigerator for around 6 hours and it hasn't thickened as much as I'd like.

It's not super runny, but I would really like for it to be thicker, as I'm using it as a filling for a danish braid, so I don't want it too runny and ruining the dough.

Is there anything I can do to thicken it on its own at this point? My plan B is to fold in some cream cheese, but I would really prefer a purer lemon flavor.


Submitted April 24, 2016 at 12:36AM by nothingnormal Baking

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