Thursday, April 21, 2016

Off-the-grid refrigeration DIY

I just moved onto a commune in Maine which is just starting up, and we are trying to get a good refrigeration method going. At the moment we are off the grid, with all power coming from wind and solar, but not much overall.

I have considered using the so called "icyball" refrigeration, which is basically an intermittent gas absorption refrigerator, but it uses highly pressurized ammonia and can apparently explode if designed poorly, sending toxic gas and metal chunks flying; given the scarcity of clear designs i can find online I have some apprehension of experimenting with such a contraption.

Most other designs appear to be one version or another of an evaporation cooler, but I fear that the humidity here will be too high to effectively use such a device; I was wondering if there were good ways to make some sort of "dry-room", or dehumidified chamber to put an evaporation cooler on, without using a conventional dehumidifier which is simply too power hungry.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this "dry-room", plans for "icyball" systems, or alternatives would be appreciated. Thank you.

Submitted April 21, 2016 at 10:52PM by August-Vermillion DIY

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