Friday, April 22, 2016

Help/Advice Request: Disgusting Black-Eyed Peas food

Hello all,

I've been drooling over this forum on a daily basis for a few months now but this is my first time posting here. I have a somewhat strange help/advice request.

I am normally a pretty good cook and certainly find myself completely satisfied with my own cooking, however I attempted to make a pot of black-eyed peas a couple days ago and it did not go well.

I got a bag of dried black-eyed peas from the store (generic brand) and followed the instructions exactly, which were:

  1. Quick soak option: Peas in water. Rapid boil. Remove. Let sit 1 hour. Drain and rinse.
  2. Re-fill with water. Medium-high heat. Reduce to low. Simmer gently with tilted lid for 1.5 hours or until desired tenderness.

So, I did all that, and at the end, I was left with black-eyed peas that basically tasted like dirt. So, unpleasant. I've had black-eyed peas before, and enjoyed them, so I figured maybe the dirt flavor is their natural flavor and I just need to add seasoning/sauce each time I eat them.

The first time I eat them, I seasoned them, couldn't cover up the gross taste. I had already made the food, so I ate it anyway. No real problem other than my brain repeatedly telling me not to keep eating it, which I ignored.

I just ate another serving of them last night, and this time things did not go as well. Let's just say the peas went through my body within less than 15 minutes, and caused a great deal of stomach/intestine/colon pain. Also, they tasted equally bad if not slightly worse.

The effects of eating them the second time were very close to one time in college when I was poor and, out of cheapness, ate a bowl of black beans I had accidentally left out over night. Except, that experience was about 30% worse than the experience yesterday.

So, I feel like the peas somehow got rancid but I just can't figure out how. They went straight from the cooking pot into a big Tupperware and into the refrigerator. Not to mention, they tasted awful straight out of the pot.

So, what the heck did I do wrong here?!?! Is it possible the dried peas were somehow bad from the start? They looked perfectly fine to me, although I don't have a huge amount of experience with cooking beans/legumes/etc. I'm totally at a loss here and hoping someone on this sub might have some idea or suggestion as to what went wrong. I'd post a pic of the peas, but the just look like all the other black-eyed peas I've ever seen.

Thanks in advance!

Submitted April 22, 2016 at 10:07PM by RegretfulUsername food

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