Monday, April 18, 2016

Fridge suddenly isn't cooling properly, seems to be "on" 24/7. HomeImprovement

I have an older Frigidaire model with a freezer on top and some of the stuff in the freezer has unfrozen, especially on the top rack and near the open part of the door. The fridge also doesn't seem as cool as it should be or normally is, though I have yet to put a thermometer in there yet. A small amount of water is leaking out of the freezer door too (not sure why it's got water in there to start with, but it very clearly is coming out between the seal and the door). It also seems to be running 24/7 - since it started having these issues, I can't remember a time that the compressor was off.

Also, water seems to be coming up from the bottom of the fridge into the refrigerator part through two small holes beneath the veggie/fruit drawers. We've had to "mop it up" a couple times now. The reason I say it is coming up is because you can look down into those holes and always see water, and I can't see that it is coming out from the freezer anywhere. It doesn't make much sense to me, but the inside sides of the fridge are dry, so it's not coming down from up top as far as I can tell.

I should mention that the water in the bottom of the fridge started before the freezer went warm, and that both issues seemed to appear rather suddenly.

Anyway, with all of these issues, is it worth looking into getting someone out to try and repair it? Or should I just bite the bullet and buy a new one?

Submitted April 19, 2016 at 03:19AM by approx- HomeImprovement

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