Monday, April 18, 2016

A Soylent total cockup story... soylent

So, hopefully someone learns from my mistake and avoids what I did.

I've been taking 2.0 for a couple months and just found the bottles.. well, annoying. So I decided to switch to 1.5. By a happy bit of chance, Amazon had had a sale on the 500ml shaker bottles a while back and I bought some. I haven't really used them, but now I realized they would be perfect for mixing single servings of 1.5.

So.. the 1.5 arrives on Friday, I finish up my 2.0 over the weekend and mix up my first batch of 1.5's on Sunday night with the intent of starting on it this morning (Monday).

I read the instructions and put in two scoops of soylent (well, actually I was 'good' and did it by weight).. and here's where I go wrong. I decide to mix in milk this time around with a bit of chocolate flavoring. No doubt some of you have already figured out my mistake.

This morning I pull bottle out of the refrigerator and chug it down... and about ten minutes later I start to feel like crap.

I then realized what I'd done... It'd put in a full serving of 1.5; that's 500 calories. I'd then mixed in milk at the stated 2 parts liquid to one part water... so that's just about two cups of milk or another 300ish calories.

I'd been used to getting 400 calories for breakfast and today I took in about 800.

** tldr: Make sure you think about what liquid you're going to mix into 1.5 and how that will impact the calorie intake.

Submitted April 19, 2016 at 04:21AM by Waitin4Godot soylent

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