Saturday, April 16, 2016

FIL told my 3 year old to check the oven and refrigerator while playing hide and seek! breakingmom

I'm so fucking pissed! My 10 yr old was hiding, and my 3 yr old was seeking while pizza was cooking in the oven for dinner. My husband and I were in the bedroom helping my 12 yr old clean out her cage. We heard FIL telling 3 yr old to check all these different places (behind the curtain, under the piano bench, under the rocking chair) to find 10 yr old. Then we heard MIL tell him, "Don't tell her to look there it's hot!" Husband told me to go out and supervise what was going on. I got out there just in time for FIL to tell 3 yr old to look in the refrigerator. I yelled at her to not ever play hide and seek in the refrigerator. Then turned to FIL and yelled at him for telling her to do something so dangerous like look in the fucking hot oven and refrigerator. She would have burned herself opening the 400 degree oven that was cooking pizza. Kids die playing hide and seek in old refrigerators. He laughed in my face!

Ladies, I saw red! I told him again to never encourage hide and seek in the appliances ever again. He said, "We were just playing." HOLY SHIT! I, again told him not to, and while I was saying it for the 3rd fucking time he shoved his hand in my face. Seriously? Is he a teenaged girl? I moved my head and looked him square in the eyes and started to say a-fucking-gain that what he did was not ok. He yelled back at me that he didn't have to take this shit and stormed out of my house. My back screen door is still broken from the last time he stormed out. Hopefully he didn't break the front one this time. I'm not sure I'm going to be letting him back in my house for a very, very long time.

Submitted April 17, 2016 at 07:41AM by babegirlvj breakingmom

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