Wednesday, April 20, 2016

CMV: The Internet of Things movement is a fad and a waste of time changemyview

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a movement in modern electronics and communications systems that encourages inter-connectivity between previously separate devices, such as connecting your phone with your home AC control system.

I think it's a load of bullocks.

I'm a 24 year old electronics enthusiast, an electrical engineer by degree, and I enjoy innovative technical design and new technology. However, I cannot for the life of me understand why so many of today's most talented programmers and engineers are obsessed with the IoT. I cannot begin to guess why TI and NXP and other chip manufacturer giants would pander to these deranged developers' passion for needless device upgrades.

Here are my reasons for feeling about the IoT the way I do:

  1. I see no evidence that there is a market desire for IoT products.

  2. I see no reason a person would benefit from having a refrigerator, toaster, door bell, radio, etc. be controllable by smart phone. It seems that 99.9% of IoT "innovation" is throwing bluetooth and wifi into something that worked just fine before.

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Submitted April 20, 2016 at 10:17PM by NoReallyItsTrue changemyview

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