Thursday, April 21, 2016

A Taste of what's to come... nosleep

I apologise to those of you who find yourself reading this expecting fast food; instant gratification and all that jazz.

But i suppose this is more for you, than those who get the inkling there is some merit to their graft. Those who labour through this life to pay it forward for the next.

The ONES who created such notions and noted them into notation; morals, philosophy, and wisdom; have paved our path into creation with these very things. Notions of tomorrow enabled them to save their meat, store it for a rainy day, when the hunt was impractical, or to find a way to transfer an imprint of their experience to another. Those who fought for the life of another risking price of their own. For the child that is your ancestor waiting in a cave, suckling the mother who has trusted ONE to return with a life she can consume and transfer to you from millennia ago. The ones who placed the imprints of their hands on walls so their children may place their hands over them as we now do to the celebrities on Hollywood Boulevard.

Its hard to think of that life as yours... Its harder still to contemplate the future of your future... when you place the torch you have carried all your life into another body and then leave.

Do you not think that creation knows of its purpose? Why else continue? Why struggle to form and compose further and further into complexity? So far into complexity that you cannot bear to see it undone; to taste this life enough times to know that it is life. Why does mitosis and meiosis perpetuate and permute through cycles of repetition?

No purpose per pose? Per instance, per existence...

For each stance ONE has taken as an atom or a cell as time and space what compels the next? Each ONE is a parent to the next, and Each ONE somewhere knows of the transfer between one and another. I envision two 1 shaped vessels pouring in and out of each other. Like today pours into tomorrow until todays day becomes the next yesterday, like water pours from ice into air and sands pour out the time over and over and are always contained by the cycle.

Why this on Nosleep?

Well this is what keeps me up at night... The stories which you have forgotten the meaning of the stories of ones before you. The stories of monsters we faced and killed and fed you with. The stories of how we nourished your stomach and fulfilled our hunger with the notion that you were ONE in progress. We had already begun pouring ourself into you before we saw you.

We be and live in you this way, we believed in you so the hunger didn't touch our lips if it did not touch yours.

You have grown to accustomed to your food shipped to your market. You have grown too accustomed to know that your young will remember you and know your face when they look in the mirror because they have photographs for reference. You have grown too accustomed to your legacy being granted for you.

And in you, the ONE we were once has forgotten the taste of hunger.

And you have forgotten us. You lost our reflection in polaroids and instagram, in your houses and refrigerators. You lost the gravity of all that came before you, all that lies beneath you and holds you to this earth.

I am telling you this because you sleep with this too soundly. I am telling you because ONLY I CAN. I was once the one that you have been poured into. I speak as one who didn't know if the sun would rise tomorrow, as one who lived a lifetime in one day. As one who hoped to return from the hunt but wanted to leave for you at least food for thought.

To those who do not wonder where their next meal comes from i say this; in the depths of your fulfilment you will only find hunger.

And hunger is only a taste of what is to come.

Sleep well.

Submitted April 22, 2016 at 03:01AM by flubbergreen nosleep

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