Monday, September 4, 2017

Given North Korea's specific new statement that their new hydrogen weapon has specifcally designed high altitude EMP potential we need a comprehensive discussion about EMP shielding techniques and backup devices and we need it fast. technology

Given North Korea's specific new statement that their new hydrogen weapon has specifcally designed high altitude EMP potential we need a comprehensive discussion about EMP shielding techniques and backup devices and we need it fast.

What are easy backup data techniques and shielding?

Spare modems, cellphones, radios, hardrives, sdcards, power sources in metal containers?

Whats an easy way to make one?

What devices are vulnerable?

Are mechincal electrical devices vulnerable?

Are solar cells individually vulnerable or are just things like power converters using computerized components?

Are old school refrigerators using simple moving metal thermostat control vulnerable.

Are all wound electric motors vulnerable?

Are simple resistance wire heaters vulnerable?

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 02:56AM by azzazaz technology

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