Monday, September 4, 2017

Roommate with Rotten Food Glitch_in_the_Matrix

This is far from a horror story, but nonetheless has me humming the theme from The Twilight Zone.

I live in a shared house with minimum five other people. We each have a room that is our own apartment and we share the kitchen and bathrooms. There's a few refrigerators kept downstairs for those of us who live on that level. We all pretty much keep to ourselves outside of the occasional hello or friendly passing small talk.

About a month and a half ago, the landlord sent and email informing me that someone would be moving into one of the rooms on my floor.

I only ran into them a couple of times as they were coming or going. Once as they were being dropped off I asked if they would leave the back door unlocked as I had left my key inside while I went out to smoke. About a month ago I came home earlier than usual and we crossed paths downstairs. He asked me about the Internet, which you must pay to access and have your IP addresses approved. I agreed it sucked not having free WiFi at home, but that when he got on it would be very fast and that there was a library up the street if he needed to use the Internet urgently.

I'd spoken to this person more than any of the other people I live with, and perhaps more than even the landlord. After our conversation about the Internet, I hadn't seen him again. I do leave early and often get home late so I hadn't thought much about it. Frankly it's rare for me to see anyone.

Two weeks ago as my SO and I were on our way to sleep, we hear knocking on the back door. I go check and it's a male and female I've never seen before in sports jerseys. We have an awkward moment before they say they live in 103 and left their keys. I verify real quick that they actually live here before I let them in and go to bed. I thought it was odd since 103 was the room I thought was occupied by the man I'd had the conversation about the Internet with, but maybe he moved out. I hadn't gotten an email about anyone moving out or in and usually the landlord is good about that kind of thing so we know when to expect extra noise, but like I said, I usually don't come into much contact with my housemates.

Early last week the landlord sent an email about rotten food in the downstairs refrigerator that needed to be cleaned out by Thursday. I had some ham and hotdogs that I'd been thinking were probably close to funky and thought that might have been what the email was about. I'm at work cringing about being that asshole, especially since I work with food and absolutely know better. He also sends an email with the utilities statement, where he was charging me for internet that I haven't been using - that I can't use, because my IP addresses haven't been approved. I respond asking for the mistake to be fixed, and he seems genuinely confused and asks me if I've stopped using the WiFi, and more confused when I tell him that I have never had access, I've been using the library.

When I got home from work I went to toss the meats out. They weren't funky, but were definitely old so no big deal. The bottom left drawer however was full of bags of rotten produce. I don't even remember the last time I went grocery shopping, but I open it to see if anything sparks a memory cause damn, a lot wasn't even recognizable as food anymore and if I'm responsible, huge brain fart and extra shame on me letting it go to waste like that.

It wasn't mine, so I tossed the meats and kept an eye to see who cleaned it out. Thursday comes with another email saying if it's not cleaned out by the end of the week, unlabled perishables will be thrown away at the landlord's discretion. It remains. The landlord is super pissed about having to clean it and I don't blame him; it looked gross.

Of the three other people I share a floor with, no one took responsibility for the food. We're all pretty good about cleaning up after ourselves. The kitchen and bathrooms stay clean. I don't want to think negatively about any of them, so I suggest that maybe it was left by the guy who had recently moved out of 103. Definitely gross, but the people who currently live here aren't jerks.

Except nobody knows who I'm talking about. I can't even find the email letting me know he was moving in. I talked to this guy on multiple occasions, our longest conversation about the Internet. He was an older, heavier white man and the couple who are in the room now are fit and South American. I'm really confused.

Tl;Dr rotten food was left in a refrigerator and nobody remembers the roommate I suggested may have been responsible

Submitted September 05, 2017 at 02:57AM by nyssasimpson Glitch_in_the_Matrix

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