Sunday, September 24, 2017

Artist and New Model - Good night, Good Morning- part 5 (mFFf) [voy] [exh] [mast] [oral] [lesbian] [threesome][anal] [incest] sexystories

Nicholas brushed his teeth in the dark. Out the bathroom window he could see the moon half-full and the stars. The window beamed faint blue in the room. Brushing his teeth relaxed him but did nothing to stop his erection. Looking through a keyhole in such a way at two women pleasuring themselves and each other excited him tremendously. The sight of the two fresh in his mind continued to keep the attention of his thoughts.

He spat out the toothpaste when he finished and washed out his mouth with a swish of water. After spitting, he heard a door shut quietly, then approaching footsteps. He turned to see the bathroom door ajar, and he froze, not knowing what to do.

A hand grabbed the door and opened it more as a woman quickly and quietly strode in the room, almost shutting the door behind her, giving it her attention so not to make a sound. She turned and nearly bumped directly into him. She recoiled with a jump from seeing his silhouette against the window.

"Nicholas! You scared the shit out of me! What are you doing?" The woman whispered her yell. She placed her fingertips over her nipples to cover herself as she spoke. It looked like Violet, but the darkness made him uncertain.

"Umm. Brushing my teeth?" He held up his toothbrush. She stepped around him and swatted his backside with one hand.

"Do not scare me like that."

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry..." He stood looking at Violet covering herself playfully as his arousal grew. She lifted one foot, staying perfectly balanced. He watched, his body frozen in place. She lifted her foot up into his crotch and rubbed the top of her foot against his throbbing cock.

"Oh, I see!" She whispered. He could not hold himself back and grabbed her shoulders to push her against the vanity in the bathroom. She helped him remove his shirt and pulled his shorts down around his ankles as he kissed her lips and neck. He ran his hands down her back and around her thin waist to her ass, lifting her slightly as he spread her legs. His felt the wetness between her legs as she sucked his tongue with her lips pressed against his. She held back her gasp as she felt him grip her with both hands, one over her clit and the other squeezing her backside with a finger on her asshole. She held a finger over his lips when he grunted. Her other hand massaged his balls as she lifted a leg and pulled him closer.

"Please be quiet. We can not make a sound," she pleaded as she guided his throbbing cock into her wet pussy. "I might get in trouble."

"What would happen to me?" He whispered as he started thrusting his hips, feeling his cock sinking in the intense heat of her wet core. He pulled her closer, squeezing her ass tight with both hands. They continued in this position until she shook with ecstasy, her pussy gripping his cock. With her back arched she pushed her tits in his face as she writhed in his arms. He felt her fingernails digging into his back and his ass as he kept thrusting into her. She held back a scream, and he held her mouth with one hand for good measure. He felt her body tense up as she again climaxed. Finally he felt himself tingling as he approached orgasm.

"I am going to cum," he whispered to her.

"Uh-huh," she replied and nodded.

He erupted inside her and pushed himself as deep as he could go, pushing a finger in her asshole and filled her pussy with semen. He pumped in every drop he had, then leaned over her resting half his weight on her. He ran his hands over her ass and the small of her back. She stood and helped him steady himself.

She kissed him and pushed him to walk, leading him to the door and shoving his clothes in his hands. He shuffled to his room and shut the door. He wandered to his bed in the dark.

Nicholas woke to the sun filling his room with the brilliant light of morning. His temples throbbed as if he had a hangover.

"Did I drink that much? Did that really happen las night? She looked like an apparition in the dark," he said to himself in bed. He climbed out of bed and stood nude unpacking his laundry and made a small pile of his dirty clothes. He dressed himself in a sleeveless shirt and thin shorts and walked down the stairs in the hall. He went to the kitchen but found Helena on the patio. She greeted him wearing a purple silk robe. Standing on the patio he could see the yacht not anchored in the lagoon.

"Did they move the boat?" He pointed to the water.

"This island is pretty secluded, but a number of people live on it. I have one neighbor on this half of the island. You will find a small village on the other side. I purchase necessities there, but I do take the boat out further for anything and everything they do not have. The girls took the boat to get a few things, and they will return tomorrow afternoon."

Neighbor? His thoughts shifted for a moment.

"Have some breakfast. Do I get to see another drawing or maybe a painting today?"

"Sure, after I have a bite and something to drink let's head to the studio," he said. He ate oatmeal and cinammon and figs, and he drank fresh orange juice. The fruit tasted phenomenal compared with anything he had ever eaten. He ate a plum and an apple then followed Helena to the room containing his studio. With the bright sunlight beaming in the windows he had no need for the lamps.

He watched her walk over the checkered marble floor onto the carpet, and she stood in front of the sofa. Sitting at the drawing horse, preparing himself to draw, she dropped her robe. She stood before him naked and proud. His eyes took in as much of her as he could.

His eyes ran over her perfect breasts and slim waist, tight stomach leading to her bare mound of venus. He eyed her gorgeous cleft between her long, shapely legs. She climbed over the sofa on her hands and knees and sprawled herself across it. With a pencil he started drawing her feet into her long, shapely legs. She stood, one hand on her hip the other resting on her thigh. After drawing her large breasts and her round nipples, he stood from the drawing and looked at it. He removed the drawing and set it aisde to start a new one. She stretched for a moment, and he watched her flip onto her stomach and push her shoulder up on her straightening arms, then pushed herself onto her knees and rotated her pelvis and hips, arching and stretching her back. As her hips wagged he looked straight down her backside and saw her asshole wink at him as her cheeks flopped and jiggled. Her lips had started to bloom and swell, as he saw a noticeable wetness to between her legs.

She sat facing him with one leg raised, her knee to her chest folding underneath it her other leg. He put his pencil to paper and drew her, starting with her feet and her hands on the cushion of the sofa. He looked at her cleft as he drew her stomach. Seeing his eyes on her body excited her immensely, and her nipples hardened.

She sits perfectly still. I could do this all day. Maybe I should get her a little drunk and see if she will do something a little wilder.

He stopped working on the drawing after spending ten or twelve minutes. Standing he rubbed his hands and looked at his drawings. She shifted her weight as she slowly crawled out of her pose, her muscles still stiff from sitting.

"Would you be a doll and get your model a drink?" She said as she got on her knees on the sofa, and she covered her nipples with her hands as she spoke to him.

"Wine or cognac?" He asked walking to the door.

"White wine would work best!"

He walked to the bar and found a bottle of white wine in the small refrigerator. Uncorking and pouring it into two glasses and he heard a door open and shut somewhere in the house. It sounded like it came from the other part of the house and its entry. He grabbed the two glasses and stood listening for moment before stepping into the doorway leading to the possible source of the sound.

When he turned to look down the hall, he ran right into Helena and spilled the wine as their bodies collided. Stepping back with a sudden jump, she screamed in surprise. He looked at her face under her large sun hat and knew it belonged to the neighbor, and he realized he was face to face with the woman that looked like Helena. On closer inspection, she did look slightly different: she had pale grey eyes compared to Helena's olive green eyes, as well she had wavy strawberry blond hair. With one hand holding her large hat on her head she stood wiping off her massive breasts with the other hand as wine ran over them, then her stomach, down over her bare pubic area and dripped from her beautiful lips between her legs.

"Why don't you take a picture?" She spoke, her voice wispier and slightly higher pitch than Helena.

He continued to gawk, and he looked at her hands squishing and bouncing her amazing tits. She slowly stepped around him to the bar and took a towel and cleaned her self, then turned back to him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you like that," she said. "Do you say anything? Do you have a name?"

She folded her arms under her ample chest, letting him look all over every bit of her body. She smiled and laughed as his eyes darted all over her.

"Uh, Nicholas... I am Nicholas. Nice to... meet you?"

"I am Tamara." She moved close and, putting one hand on his shoulder, kissed his cheek. He felt her tits pushing against his chest. She turned from him and grabbed the bottle of wine.

"Where is Helena?" She said, pouring more wine into the two glasses, then taking a swig from the bottle herself. Some wine leaked from her beautiful lips down her chin, and he saw it splash on her ample chest. The last drop going between her large breasts into her cleavage. She dabbed herself again with the hand towel.

"She is in the studio, er, the big window room?"

"Why don't you just take me there, stranger?" She wrapped herself in his arm, as he felt her bosom pushing into him. They walked through the lounge into the hall toward the studio. He saw she wore a pair of leather sandals, her hat and nothing else. He felt his cheeks getting warm, his cock twitching as he walked with a voluptuous amazon on his arm. He felt her huge tits bouncing against him with each step. He felt her lean her mouth to his ear.

"What are you doing? It's only noon, and you already drink wine? Helena must really like you... At least I do. I think you look cute. I like your dark hair... and," she brushed a hand quickly across his tight stomach. "Your abs feel great. Why are you wearing so much clothing? Aren't you hot in all this?"

They stood before the doors, and she grabbed a door knob with her free hand and turned to him. Her large tits swaying, and her nipples pointing.

"You are the artist?" He nodded. "Interesting. Will you do me too?"

She moved close to him, pushing her nipples into his chest.

"Pretty please?" She begged. Her thick lips puckering playfully at him. He leaned his head forward and kissed her on the mouth. He tried to continue, but she opened the door to the studio and took a step back from him.

Shit. Did I do something wrong? Why the fuck would she be naked doing that unless she... He thought to himself. He watched her incredible ass walking naked into the room.

Upon entering, Helena jumped up and bounced across the room to embrace Tamara.

"Tamara! Hey I meant to come by soon. When did you get here?" Helena said to Tamara as she pushed herself into Tamara's arms. Nicholas watched their huge chests pushing together as they hugged. Tamara put an arm around Helena's waist and pulled her closer, their nipples pressing into their flesh. They kissed each other on the cheeks then passionately on the mouth for a moment. Helena put her arm over Tamara's shoulder as they stood facing Nicholas together.

"Nicholas, this is Tamara. Tamara, this is Nicholas, my painter!" Helena and Tamara faced each other again and laughed. Tamara leaned closer to Helena's ear as she whispered something making Helena laugh. Tamara kept whispering and with one hand teased at Helena's nipple, pulling it and pinching it. Helena playfully swatted her hand.

"Are you twins?" Nicholas asked.

They looked at each other, smiled and laughed again. The two voluptuous women crawled on the sofa. Helena held out her hand for her glass of wine. Nicholas gave her the glass, and she took a sip. Tamara, still carrying the bottle took a swig out of the bottle. They both turned back giggled to each other and kissed passionately for a moment.

"Draw us like this!" Tamara ordered Nicholas. He sat and prepared another blank sheet. He looked at them pushing their breasts into one another, arms around each others' waists. They posed as he drew them. After a few minutes, Tamara threw herself across the sofa, her legs akimbo, giving him a view of her inner lips.

"Let's do something more fun," Tamara said. She sat up on an elbow and drink heavily from the bottle.

"What are you doing?" Helena asked as Tamara placed the bottle on the floor, empty and rolled around on the sofa. Finally she rolled on her stomach and raised her hips in the air, putting a hand over her sex, loosely covering herself. He could still see her anus facing directly towards him. Helena grabbed Tamara's ass and spread her cheeks. They seemed to take a pose, so Nicholas started drawing.

They remained frozen like that for some time before he noticed Tamara's fingers stirring in her pussy. After a few more minutes her fingers glistened with drool from her lips. He did his best to focus and complete the drawing, giving it a surprising level of detail in under ten minutes.

Tamara broke pose and freely masturbated using her other hand to play with her asshole. Nicholas quickly scribbled to capture her on the paper. Helena started to appear flush and put her mouth in Tamara's ass, mumbling a quick "Sorry," as she dove into Tamara. Tamara screamed out when Helena's tongue lathered her asshole. She quickly came to orgasm and arched her back, her feet pointed straight out as her toes curled. Helena kept tonguing her.

He stood from his drawing and approached them as he stripped off his clothing. Helena looked at him with hunger in her eyes as his large cock bounced from his underwear. She grabbed hold of his hard dick and kissed it, put it in her mouth and swallowed him briefly before guiding him into Tamara's wet pussy. She felt tight around his cock, her convulsions continued as she had waves of orgasms. She kept screaming louder and louder. Finally, she bucked and pushed him away with her strong legs. Helena moved onto her back and pulled her legs up with her hands.

"Come on, big boy," she said, her wet slit inviting him. He grabbed her enormous tits with both hands and pulled them as he thrust inside her. She moaned and sighed. He loved the feeling of his hands on her huge, firm tits and his fingers on her nipples, and Helena enjoyed his strong hands on her flesh, as it quickly got her writhing in excitement. Tamara locked her lips to Helena in a fiery kiss, their tongues pushing together. The sight of them kissing pushed him to thrust deeper in Helena which made her moan as she sucked Tamara's tongue.

Tamara dragged her tongue from Helena's neck, down to her tits, circling each of Helena's nipples and closing her lips around them as she sucked at them. Then he watched Tamara move across Helena's body, her tongue pushing and probing Helena's flesh as it traveled through her cleavage down to her stomach, kissing and licking her pubic region and mound of venus before she lowered her mouth onto her clit. He withdrew his hands and instead held Tamara's head into Helena's pussy as he pounded. He watched her tongue flicking and swirling Helena's pink clit. Helena cried out and spanked Tamara's ass as a wave of orgasms hit her. Her body tensed and her legs extended around Nicholas, pulling him tight. He kept working away on his new favorite client until he felt a tingling in his balls. He withdrew and waved his throbbing member at Tamara.

Tamara grabbed hold of him and started sucking his swollen head. Helena looked up at them and rolled onto her elbows facing Nicholas, then grabbed his balls and tugged him gently away from Tamara's mouth to hers.

"Give me you cum!" Helena said flatly.

Tamara looked flustered as she watched Helena swallowing every inch of his long shaft, pushing her lips to the base of his cock. He let out a long sigh.

"I'm cummmminnng!" He moaned. Helena bobbed on the root of his dick until he shot his hot load in the back of her mouth and down her throat. She did not gag or spill a drop. Tamara looked at her mouth on his cock jealously, then looked up at Nicholas and bit her lower lip. Helena massaged his balls as she continued to milk him until he pulled away from them. He caught his breath and stepped back to his drawing, collected his wine and took another sip.

"That was fun. Maybe we could do some more poses like that?" He said as they both eyed him lustfully. Tamara turned to Helena, and the two kissed wildly as Tamara massaged Helena's breasts and played with her clit. Helena moaned as she kissed Tamara. The sight of them started turning him on again almost immediately. Their kissing got more passionate as Helena threw her head back, and Tamara sucked Helena's perfect nipples, still stirring her finger inside Helena. They laid down on the sofa and continued kissing and licking and sucking before they switched positions to lick each others' pussies. Tamara on her knees above Helena. He watched Helena spreading her legs wider and wider until Tamara put her tongue deep in her pink core and smothering her labia with her mouth. Helena cried out with delight and began licking and kissing Tamara.

He wanted to draw, but his penis demanded more attention. He walked around the sofa to Tamara's backside, climbed over Helena, putting his knees on either side of her head, bent down and started licking Tamara asshole as Helena licked her pussy. Tamara immediately screamed with pleasure as her ass bounced on his face, smearing her pussy lips across Helena's mouth and face. He kept licking, then put two fingers in her ass. She screamed out again. He thrust himself insdie Tamara's wet slit a few times to get his dick wet, then pulled out and pushed into her ass. After making his way inside her, he began pumping gently then slowly quickened his pace. Tamara started moaning and crying out uncontrollably. As his pace quickened he heard Helena moan, watching her writhe with passion underneath him. As she moaned he felt her warm mouth sucking on his balls as he pushed in and out of Tamara's tight asshole. It twitched as Tamara cried out one last time, sending Nicholas over the edge. He thrust deeper and deeper as he shot himself inside her. He pulled out as a few drips landed on Helena's face. She quickly moved her head lick Tamara's ass, the cum leaking out over Helena's lips and tongue. They both continued to sigh and writhe as they licked and kissed at each other, the sound of their lips smacking on wet flesh excited him.

Thank you Aphrodite! He thought to himself in a brief haze as he walked to his drawing with stiff legs. He sat down at the drawing horse, stretched his neck from side to side and cracked his knuckles.

They slowly collected themselves as Tamara climbed off Helena, and Helena sat up on her elbows looking at Nicholas.

"So... next pose?" Nicholas asked with a wide grin. "You two look so much alike. Are you related?"

"We are... cousins," Helena answered him slowly.

"And sisters!" Tamara spoke, Helena pinched her ribs. "What? It's true!"

"Yeah, but Tamara... "

"So next pose?" He held up his pencil.

Tamara and Helena exchanged odd glances with one another, grinned and moved on the sofa to find a new pose.

End part 5 / continued part 6

Submitted September 25, 2017 at 09:23AM by penismyquill sexystories

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