Tuesday, September 26, 2017

My apartment seems to have a 3rd occupant... Paranormal

Posted on another subreddit, I think it belongs here.

Anyway, all of this started a little over 2 years ago in July 2015. It was Independence Day and I had just gotten out of the shower. All of a sudden I hear the television blaring, I just figured my DVR had stopped the movie I was playing and switched over to the television. I walk into the living room to turn the volume down and I realize that the DVR is still paused and that it's the television in my bedroom that has come on. I figured it's busted and turn it off and go back into the bathroom. About 5 minutes later, it comes on again. What the hell? This proceeds to happen 3 more times, I say a prayer and it stops and I forget about it.

Fast forward about a month later, I walk inside to the television a few more days. I freak out and unplug the thing and challenge the presence (if there is one) to plug the sucker back in if they want to watch television, it never happens again.

A little less than a year later in June 2016, I'm lying in bed trying to fall asleep. I have a dream about my grandfather, who passed in 2013. Now, mind you I was 6 months pregnant at the time so weird dreams tend to happen during that time. As I wake up, I see someone walk from my closet to the edge of my bed and sit for a few seconds, I can see the indentation as if someone is sitting there, I smile and say, "hi paw-paw" and go back to sleep.

My next "encounter" came in September 2016, my baby boy was a month old and his father (we'll call him B) had gone out to get some food. This is more his experience than mine because I really had no part. B says as he goes to turn the knob, he hears the door lock and the porch light turns off. As I'm coming from the back room our conversation goes as follows: B: That wasn't funny Me: What wasn't funny? B: Why did you lock the door and turn off the light? Me: Huh, I was in the back with the baby and I just walked to the front as you were opening the door. B: Yeah, whatever, you ran to the back when you heard me. Me: I promise I was in the back with the baby. B: rolls eyes whatever

Now mind you I had just had a C-section about a month earlier, so I wasn't running anywhere. I had just put the baby down and was walking to the front to greet him. So, I have no idea who did this, but, to this very day, he doesn't believe it wasn't me.

My most recent encounter was just this week. Sunday night (Monday morning), I went to bed around midnight, I woke up at about 2 am and saw that my bathroom light was on. I got up and turned it off, shrugged it off and thought I had left it on when I went to bed, whatever. Last night, I went to bed and as I'm carrying my baby to bed I'm turning off every light, I remember turning off the kitchen light because I doubled back to the kitchen to put something into the refrigerator and went to bed. I also remember looking at my door and never saw a light as I turned over. At about 1 am, I wake up and I spot a light. I sit there frozen because it's only my son and me in the house. I sit and wait for someone to come in and nothing. I get up to go check the house and see nothing. I get so scared and call B. He says he's on his way. He gets there about 5 minutes later, with his gun, and checks the house, nothing. I can't fall asleep. He lies on the sofa to fall asleep. At about 3 am, I finally drift off. I wake up at 5 and just lay there, a few seconds later, I hear a knock at the door and jump up. I run to the door and look out the window, and there's no one there. I wake B up to ask him if he heard the knock, he's groggy and he sees my face and fully awakens and asks, what's wrong, I ask him if he heard the knock, he says, no. I never go back to sleep.

Now I don't know what's going on. The only one I can't explain away is the locking door and light turning off. At the moment I'm a little afraid to go home, but since Casper hasn't been hostile, I probably will. Anyway, thanks for reading.

Submitted September 26, 2017 at 11:16PM by chay1985 http://ift.tt/2xDPEOu Paranormal

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