Thursday, September 28, 2017

Need Advice Regarding Foot Injury AskDocs


Here's my situation. A week ago, I was trying to make room for food in the refrigerator freezer when a rock hard frozen bag of chili slide out and landed right smack on my bare foot. The area of impact felt right in the toe joints. The item wasn't that heavy, but it was hard and definitely hurt.

I never got any swelling and noticed slight bruising the next day. On Sunday, I was felt pain free, walking normally, and forgot about the injury. It started hurting again on Monday. Then pain free on Tuesday. I convinced myself that I didn't break anything and went walking for an hour with no difficulty or pain. Yesterday, I was shocked to see the bruising was much worse and had spread to other toes.

Today, the pain is really back and the bruising looks more widespread. Now I'm worried I may have broke a toe joint bone which can't heal without medical treatment. It makes no sense to me while I would be completely pain free one day and then it get much worse.

Is this something I should go see a doc asap about? Problem is my coworker just had a death in the family so I can't leave today or tomorrow. I could go to urgent care after work but that will cost me $100. What would an urgent care do anyways if there is a break?

Submitted September 28, 2017 at 11:15PM by TWD41 AskDocs

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