Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Feeling low. Lowkey. offmychest

Final year at college. Wee. I've got a lot of good friends, I only have three classes right now and I'm doing well in all of them, I'm studying things I'm actually interested in, I have an apartment with my friends and we get fucked up a lot, we listen to a lot of awesome music, I'm part of a club, I see shows on weekends when I can, I have an easy and good paying job on campus.

But shit. My love life is dead. I really only see the same four friends consistently. One of my roommates drove another of them to leave and now we have a new roommate, he's cool but I just don't know him like that. I feel like no one even wants to look at me or start a conversation unless they have to. My acne is coming back. I'm gaining weight in my stomach, it's starting to balloon slowly. The dishwasher, refrigerator, and washing machine have all broke in the past week. Currently my room is wet as hell cuz of the washing machine. It broke an hour ago. I work the desk at my major's building and every Tuesday and Thursday I see my lab partner quickly duck right around the corner to go to her class and I don't see her again. She's probably just late to class but she doesn't even look at me and she knows I work there. It's not even a real slight but it still hurts. I've known her for four years now.

I don't talk to my family. I don't dislike them but I don't like them either, I'm totally indifferent.

My self-esteem is dismal. I crutch on booze and e-cigs and real cigs and weed and LSD. I know my problems but I can't get over them. That's probably the worst part.

Submitted September 06, 2017 at 02:56AM by Nonmoderator http://ift.tt/2f14QLO offmychest

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