Saturday, July 1, 2017

What factors contribute to water pooling in the bottom of a fridge? Does leaving the door open play a role? AskScienceDiscussion

It seems that leaving a fridge door open (for, say, 20-30 seconds) does not contribute to a significant loss of energy. This thread dispels that myth:

However, I've also heard the argument that leaving the door open makes it more likely for water to pool in the bottom of the refrigerator. Is this plausible?

I'm inclined to say no, because on the timescales involved (20-30 seconds) I can't see much significant happening. But it could also depend a lot on the design of the fridge. I used to have a fridge that filled with water when a valve at the back got clogged. It was a shitty design and came with a special tool for unclogging the valve. My present fridge has no such problem, but still occasionally forms pools. I assume it's more an issue to do with the contents of the fridge – but could it be that the door contributes in any way?

Submitted July 01, 2017 at 05:49PM by lexipenia AskScienceDiscussion

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