Sunday, July 30, 2017

Non-refrigerator storage of edibles trees

I recently turned fifty (gulp), and a kind family member from a 420-enlightened state gifted me a small stash of cannabis edibles. The stash includes cannacrisp, a peanut butter chocolate square, and a couple Kiva candy bars.

Here is my problem: I need to store this somewhere out of sight from my spouse and my kids, and the refrigerator is out of the question. My plan is to wrap it up in a few layers of plastic bags, conceal it in an envelope labeled in a misleading way, and then store it in a dark, remote drawer of my home office.

If I do this, how long do you think the edibles will last? I realize that they might not taste particularly good if consumed a few months from now. They just need to be edible and non-dangerous to eat.

Submitted July 30, 2017 at 08:28PM by middleagedtreefan trees

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