Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Several months of unlivable conditions at rental. legaladvice

We have been on a month to month lease at a place that was being renovated supposedly. He promised to take care of a bad bug problem quickly along with some appliances that simply wern't working: dryer, washer, refrigerator, stove and air conditioner. In the past three months he fixed the AC, and that's it. Some refused to pay rent until it was resolved. I explained this to him and he responded by saying he was going to extterminate on rent day, but since I had no money for him he tells me he'll just wait till he gets the money... I'm at a lose of words and feel what he is doing is wrong, but I don't know how renting rights are in north Carolina. Please tell me how to proceed.

Submitted July 26, 2017 at 04:03AM by eefmu http://ift.tt/2uz78bF legaladvice

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