Monday, July 31, 2017

You weren't supposed to look. You weren't supposed to be here. nosleep

Deer, amazing and mysterious creatures. It is said that they are calm intelligent creatures and can be a guide for success and encouragement. As a spirit animal, it can help you deal with difficult situations gracefully and efficiently. I do not know why they intrigued me. Maybe because of that mysterious and mystical side they possess. One day I was walking in my house, my house has lots of doors. It is not a mansion but it is very big for only two people.

My father and I have lived here for as long as I can remember. My mother died when I was only 5 years old. I do not know how she died, my father always evades the question. Anyways, I was walking when I saw a door I have never seen before. It was a big metal door, one of those you see in those big refrigerators at restaurants. I was curious as to what was inside, I swear I have never seen it before. I decided to open the door. Once I managed to open it I saw nothingness. It was so dark in there it was impossible. There were no windows or nothing I could detect with my eyes, except for a very faint light on the distance. It was very small I almost couldn't see it. But it was impossible though, the house was only so big. I tried looking for a light switch but of course there was none. I built up enough courage to step in. It felt like I went through an invisible force, like I wasn't supposed to be there. The room changed as well, it looked like a small room now.

When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I was paralyzed with fear. The whole room was covered in blood. The floor, the walls, the ceiling and now my shoes. I was horrified when in the corner of my eye I saw someone or something staring right at me. I didn't want to look I was too scared but I did it, I looked. I screamed as I saw a deer's face looking right at me. That wasn't why I was scared though; I was scared because it was only it's face looking right at me. It had no body it was just the head hanging from the ceiling. Behind the deer was a pool of blood on the floor with piles of deer bodies without their heads. Somewhere hanging and others didn't have their body complete. I started to panic, I wanted to run to get out of there but my legs wouldn't function.

"This was a serious situation" I said to myself. This is in my home for how long? I didn't want to think about it. When I feel like I’m going to pass out I saw something glow next to the bodies of deer. It was a deer but I could see through it. It looked at me and even though it's mouth didn't move it told me that they have been suffering. Their souls were trapped in this room and that they needed my help to free them. I was confused, why would someone want to kill deer? All those thoughts stop when suddenly I hear something. Someone was getting close to the door. The room felt like it was getting cold and darker. I saw that same little light I saw when I opened the door. I started to run towards it as fast as I could, hoping it was an exit.

Panic overwhelmed me as it seemed like I was not reaching it. I was scared for my life, scared that I would end up like all those deer. After what seemed an eternity I reached the light; it was a single light bulb hanging above a white door. Finally, I will be able to get out of here and forget this ever happened. It was all a dream I bet if I opened this door I would wake up. Yeah that was the answer it is just a dream. A loud screech from behind me took me off my thoughts and I didn't think twice to open the door in front of me and close it immediately.

Somebody started slamming on the door. My dad was on the other side screaming: "Let me in, let me in" I let him in the door and he immediately closed it and ask me to help him keep the door closed. As soon as we closed it, it started banging on the door. It was trying to get in. It was going to slit our throats and take our heads. I looked around the room for an exit. There was only a small window; we wouldn't be able to fit. We were going to die in this small closet like room. I started to cry, I was panicking but my dad looked calm like he has dealt with this before. I looked at him perplexed and asked him what in the hell was that thing outside the door. He didn't answer he just kept looking at the door.

"Dad answer me!" I demanded. He looked at me and said: "You weren't supposed to see that. You weren't supposed to be here." His voice sounded different like it wasn't his own. I was so busy with being scared I didn't realize my dad didn't look like my dad at all. He looked thinner and pale. It wasn't him, it looked like him but it wasn't him. I slowly started moving away when he faced me. "My dear, why did you open the door? You weren't supposed to see. You weren't supposed to be here." He kept saying those words repeatedly. Every time he said it his voice changed slightly like it was someone else pretending. I knew this thing wasn't my father, it just couldn't be.

What comes next, it's just a vague memory. I remember blood all over and feeling a searing pain in my head. My dad is a good man, he only wanted the best for me. Now I can see my mom every day, she was never dead she was just hiding in this room. I didn't recognize her but that head was her head and those bodies weren't deer bodies. No, they weren't they were human bodies. He was trying to find the perfect body for her so that she could join us once again. I think he is trying to find one for me too.

Submitted August 01, 2017 at 04:43AM by jfernandez21 nosleep

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