Saturday, July 1, 2017

Moved back to Tokyo recently (had no choice due to my employer), hate it already and want out. IWantOut

I've only been back to Tokyo a few months from the UK and I hate it. I should not have left London but was required by my employer to return. I'll have to put in at least 1-2 years before I can leave again but I really don't want to be here.

To make matters worse the startup costs for coming back here are nuts.

Apartment startup costs 4-6 months rent and appliances (washer, dehumidifier, refrigerator, etc) are nuts. I'm basically stuck here and I'm kicking myself for leaving the UK (have passport to go anywhere in the EU).

Sorry had to rant.

Submitted July 01, 2017 at 02:23PM by oohmy IWantOut

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