Monday, January 16, 2017

Where Do You Really Come From? nosleep

Where do you really come from? Yes, I'm sure many of you think you can answer this question but believe me. This is what your parents have never told you. I am writing this because I have seen. I have seen the intense place of the grove, trust me we are all not what we think we are. Run away now. You must stop what is happening at the grove.

It was a Saturday. I was an only child, and I went to get breakfast from our downstairs closet. As I pulled out some Captain Crunch and a milk box from the refrigerator. I started to pour some milk as a note attached to the microwave cought my eye. I stoped pouring my milk and I went over and looked at the note. It read," Me and your father have ran out to get some groceries. We are almost out of milk and a few other things. We'll be back in about two hours." I looked back at the milk box because it was almost full except for the part I had started pouring. Mybe they have already returned. As it was a Saturday and it is already 12:30. But then, I looked out of my kitchen window which led to my front drive way, there was no car around. I was a little bewildered of the fact but didn't mind it much.

An hour passed and no sign of my parents revealed. I started to become a little weirded out. I went up to my room and started watching random YouTube videos on airplay mode my phone ended up dying about thirty minutes into a few videos. I started looking for my charger but it was nowhere in sight. So there I was a 14 year old boy having nothing to do for mybe hours since it's already been two hours and my parents haven't gotten home yet. I went out into my back yard. In our back yard we have fences surrounding it, and so do our neighbor's houses. In the far back there is a gate that leads into woods. When I was about six or seven my dad and I would go explore and see what we could find. We mostly found ticks and hallow trees, but it was still fun. I realized the gate was unlocked and opened up. As I went to check it out a path was uncovered which had never been there before in all of my life time. Being the curious 14 year old I am I followed the path. It led for about ten minuets just into more woods. I was about to turn back but then I saw an opening in the woods which made me keep going. I heard people talking so I went close enough to the opening of the woods where I could peer in but far enough away they could not notice me. I hid behind a thick tree through the woods.

What I saw then was simply terrifying. There was rows and rows of tiny green people who had been almost jammed into the ground. They didn't look alive at all. I noticed a few people in neon yellow hazmat suits gathering the inhuman like people from the ground. I looked farther back into they rows and more and more the green tiny children started turning less green and into a palish color. Then, even farther back there were brownish blackish children that looked almost exactly like a soil color. I was freaking out as I looked down at my skin, or what I thought was skin, and it appeared almost exactly like the color of a row of the plant like children. Then what even freaked me out more is that inside of the neon yellow hazmat suits was my parents. They were looking around at the pale children. They were looking at a small child who had curly black hair that just started growing in.

I ran as fast as I could back to my house and jumping into my closet and sitting down in the corner. I started to cry silently. After about 10 minuets passed my front door unlocked and my parents came into my house saying, "Your father and I have a surprise for you!" My heart sank into the bottom of my chest. As I went downstairs I saw my mother holding a small child with curly black hair. My mother said "I've been pregnant for nine months, I'm surprised you haven't noticed."

Submitted January 16, 2017 at 11:20PM by GingerBreadDom nosleep

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