Tuesday, January 17, 2017

[TOMT][Movie] Some kind of alien creatures/monsters with infrared vision, people hide behind a refrigerator so they can't see them, they shoot out a little spinning top thing that nails a guy's hand to fridge tipofmytongue

There is a scene I remember vividly from when I was kid for some reason and I've been trying for years to find this movie. I think it came on TV the other day and I swear I wrote down the name but I can't find it. For a long time I thought it was one of the Tremors movies, so it's something kind of like that. Just a one word title, and I think it was number 3 in a series (if the one that came on the other day was really the right movie). It was probably a 90s movie, maybe a scifi original or something.

It was some kind of alien or weird monster creatures and they can only see heat, so the group of people are in some old building and turn over a fridge to hide behind since it's cold. The main thing I remember is that a guy puts his hand on top of it and peeks over, and the monsters shoot out some little thing that spins around like a top, then shoots out little nails and pins his hand to the fridge so he can't run.

That's about all I got. I've been dying to figure out the movie and I'm pissed that I think I finally had it after like 15 years and didn't write it down. Any ideas?

Submitted January 18, 2017 at 11:01AM by penguinluvinman http://ift.tt/2jIOEzz tipofmytongue

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