Wednesday, January 18, 2017

TIFU by making fun of my friends dead cousin. tifu

This actually happened a few years ago. Anyways, my friend, lets say... Moo, had me and another friend over for a night of alcohol, pizza, and video games. As this is the first time we have seen each other in a few months due to everyone going to college, we were sitting in his kitchen eating, drinking, reminiscing on our high school memories and sharing new ones.

The night goes on and we are all having a great time. Our friend group loves sarcasm and jokingly making fun of people by saying stupid things. I noticed a picture of some kid I had never seen before who, to me, looked really funny placed on Moo's refrigerator. My first instinct is to make some stupid comment and this is where the fuck up happens. In my drunken state, I said to Moo and my other friend "who the hell is this retard?" thinking they would get a quick laugh and a backstory of the picture would ensue. My other friend chuckled and was waiting for the same thing. Moo put down his drink, very calmly said "that's my cousin who drowned last week", went to his room and didn't say a word. We stayed up all night cleaning up our mess we had made and doing whatever small things that we thought would help the situation, which didn't help at all. We ended up leaving around 6am without saying anything to Moo. He didn't talk to us for a good month or so and just recently started hanging out again.

TL;DR - Called my friends dead cousin a retard and almost ruined a friendship.

Submitted January 18, 2017 at 11:48PM by Saxonite13 tifu

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