Tuesday, January 3, 2017

She's a slob, but she pays her bills... badroommates

Sorry for such a long post here, but I'm really in need for a vent-sesh. I want to start out by saying I'm new to Reddit, I never post, but mostly just read. After reading a lot of these r/badroommates posts, I feel the need to submit my own.

So here's the dealio. I moved into a condo in April of 2016 with a girl I barely knew, but was very short on options and couldn't afford the place myself. My uncle owns the condo, and agreed to rent it to me for a decent price ($800, two bed, two full bath, no water bill, etc.) My roommate is very much aware that he is cutting us a deal because I am his niece, when he could charge us what he charges other tenants (he owns about 30 units near the college campus in town.) The roommate thought it was a steal, and moved in. Let's call her Amy. Amy is 28, works for a big ass bank answering phones and assisting people with their accounts. She makes slightly less than I do, and thank goodness because my last two roommates were NEVER able to pay their bills. Amy has two cats. Let's call one "Fatty" and one "Asshole." Asshole is... well... an asshole. The epitome of an asshole cat. Fatty is fine except for the fact that he has severe garbage breath and what I assume is IBS (this is relevant, I promise). Our condo is a two story with a finished basement, with a full bath down there too. Part of the basement is unfinished, I call it the "utility room," where the washer and dryer are, as well as the cat's litter boxes. Amy and I both agreed upon her moving in that the litter boxes needed to be in the utility room due to that being the only place that was not A) carpeted, B) the kitchen, and C) right under our noses.

I have a dog, he is a 4 year old black lab, and the most docile baby ever. He never harms the cats, never gets in the litter box, never barks, and never has accidents. In the year that I've had him, he had ONE indoor accident due to him being sick. Keep the pet-related bodily fluids in mind here.

So after the initial agreement of shared chores, her saying she "empties the litter boxes daily and changes the litter completely each month" as well as a 50/50 split in rent, electric and internet, I figured she would be a decent roommate. We both made some sacrifices... She is really into keeping the environment clean (kudos to her) and asked that we have a recycling bin. Now, the complex does not have recycling, only communal dumpsters. So, in order for us to recycle, one of us needs to physically drive the recycling bin to a location that accepts recyclables. That means loading it into the car and making a 10 minute commute. I agreed that we could recycle, given that she shares the responsibility of ACTUALLY RECYCLING THE STUFF.

Boy, was that a stupid idea on my part. We have lived here 9 months and she has only taken the recycling TWICE. On top of that, she has NEVER taken the trash out. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know where the dumpster is. Each day, I am taking the trash out by myself, and have recently said f*ck it with the recycling, and I just dump that into the dumpster too.

On to the cats. She absolutely, positively NEVER empties their litter box. I have to frequently ask her to please empty it, as Asshole has started to find other places to urinate. Shit hit the fan in November when it got so bad and foul smelling in our basement that I had a complete meltdown. The Asshole cat decided to use a corner of the basement next to my entertainment center to relieve himself. Again, and again, and again. And all Amy did was spray some "eco-friendly" cat urine repellent over it and walk away. The carpet padding was soaked in a 4 sq. ft. area. I asked her several times to please CLEAN the carpet, as Asshole keeps returning to the same spot, as well as CLEAN THE LITTER BOXES. She kept spraying the repellent on it, which obviously did nothing. So there I was, 10 pm one night, on my hands and knees, scrubbing and vacuuming and crying my eyes out (from anger, as well as the burning ammonia from the piss) for THREE hours. And obviously, it did nothing. I purchased my own carpet shampooer, (not a bad idea considering my dog could possibly have another accident - it seems stupid that a home with 3 pets didn't have one in the first place,) but it wasn't powerful enough to remove the weeks' worth of urine from the padding underneath. I finally called my uncle/landlord, crying, asking if I could use his industrial shampooer. He obliged, thank God.

Three days. That's how long it took. Three fcking days to shampoo that small area to the point where the cat stopped pissing on it and it no longer smelled like a litter box. And the worst part? Whilst shampooing, Amy had the fcking nerve to come down and ask me to TURN OFF THE SHAMPOOER because it was TOO LOUD. Are you fcking kidding me?! She not only refused to so much as even OFFER to help, but she asked me to STOP! She didn't reimburse me for the urine removing chemicals (not cheap, I might add), and also didn't care that the frequent pissing on my entertainment center caused me to have to throw it away (imagine particle board submerged in pee).

On top of all of this, she NEVER cleans up after herself in the kitchen. I swear she must feel like she's got her own cooking show, because she likes to create these very odd and very foul smelling dishes late at night, then leave the kitchen a mess. Food smeared on the counter, dishes piled high, fruit flies buzzing around. Then she retreats to her FCKING SPOTLESS AND PRISTINE bedroom for the night. She yells at my dog (he can whine a lot sometimes - he's pretty vocal, he lies to "talk." Never barks, but snorts and moans and yips when he wants attention or while playing.)

Amy locks herself in the bathroom for 2 hours every morning, not even letting me in to get my toothbrush, never buys trash bags or toilet paper, and lets food go bad (there are some pretty impressive science experiments growing in the refrigerator).

I have frequently asked her to please keep her messes cleaned up, and even pointed out that while I am sound like a neat freak, I'm not. I have my messes, but I keep them in my room and out of the communal areas. However, my "messes" are not filth. I dont wallow around in animal piss, pet hair or dirty dishes (I just have overflowing CLEAN laundry baskets and tend to drop my towel or coat in my room).

She never mops the kitchen floor, never sweeps, yet got angry at me for sprinkling baking soda on the carpet to absorb odors and not immediately sweeping it up. Um, that's not how it works? You have to let it sit for at least 30 minutes! Ever since the cat piss on the carpet tragedy, I am paranoid about the smell of the house. I am always apprehensive about having guests over, because it's embarrassing when you can smell the litter box as soon as you walk in the door. To combat any odors (my friends have assured me they don't smell anything anymore), I have scentsy warmers and glade plug-ins installed in damn near every outlet I can find. But guess what Amy does? She goes around each day and UNPLUGS THEM! I have asked her repeatedly to not unplug my plug-ins or turn off my warmers, as I am afraid the house smells. She mentions something about not wanting the electric bill to raise, yet she just purchased a space heater for her bedroom that I have to pay for.

Additionally, my biggest pet peeve here... We don't have an automatic ice machine in our freezer, so we use the ice trays. Amy will empty the ice tray and then refuse to refill it.

One last thing and then I promise I'm done. Amy is a lesbian (awesome, I fully support all those LGBTQ etc. rights!) and is in a new, but long distance relationship with a girl who lives 6 hours away. For NYE, said girlfriend came to visit Amy for the first time. On Friday, the day before NYE, Amy took the day off work to, get this, CLEAN. She did a great job, by the way, the house has never looked so spotless. Well while I was at work, she broke out the brooms and mops and bleach and even scrubbed the inside of the microwave (something I'm NOT good at doing). I was so glad when I came home to a clean house (despite the fact that the only time she has any consideration for cleanliness is when her fcking gf is coming over), but was immediately bombarded with "can you pick up your bag thats over on the chair?" and " _________ is on her way here I want the place clean." and "Can you take these out of here"? ----> They were clementines. I had a small box of clementines sitting on the kitchen table next to her large bag of apples and our communal bowl of garlic/shallots/onions.... and she fcking shoved them into my hands and asked me to take them upstairs to my room!

I looked her dead in the eye and forcefully set my clementines back on the table (we have always kept our fresh produce here) and walked away.

Needless to say, I can't wait for her lease to be up. Any ideas on how to get her to move out? What do you guys think? Is it better to have a clean and considerate roommate who often skimps on bills? Or an inconsiderate, dirtball of a roommate that pays her way?

HOW COULD I FORGET?!: She fcking takes horrendous dumps in the toilet and NEVER FLUSHES. I swear on everything holy that she does this. 3-4 times a week. I'm dying.

TL;DR: Roommate doesn't know where the dumpster is, doesn't empty litter boxes, and lets her Asshole of a cat piss on my carpet.

Submitted January 04, 2017 at 01:45AM by pista-chio http://ift.tt/2hN37Z4 badroommates

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