Sunday, January 1, 2017

Rv wiring help electricians

Hello, forgive my inexperience, but I used to be an electrican on helicopters, which is a far cry from residential.. but my family thinks I know the answer to all things electrical now.

My inlaws are residing in an RV while their house is being built and recently lost power for no apparent reason. My FIL came to the conclusion that most of the load goes through a GFCI in the bathroom, and so bought a new one of those thinking the old one had gone bad (he also has limited electrical experience, and so had trouble shot the best he could).

He is what I have found so far:

When I unhooked main power going into RV, I noticed 120v between white and ground, 120v between white and black, 0v from black to ground. Electric company mess up?

When the main power is tied into the wiring to the rv, limited electricity is working.. refrigerator (not freezer) will work, a/c will work, a few lights work. Outlets and several lights, however, do not operate- we assume these are what go through the GFCI.

Here's the wacky part, when I disconnected the GFCI in the bathroom, with power applied, the wiring going to it was reading 120v between black and ground, 120v between white and ground and practically nothing between black and white.. so basically 2 of the same hot leg coming in.

So now I am kind of lost about what to check next. There doesn't appear to be a circuit breaker panel of any sorts on the RV and I have no idea what the schematics look like for this thing to try and trace where any problems might be.

Does anyone have any experience with RVs or any idea what we could do or look for? It's a Terry 28j travel trailer if that means anything to anyone ...

Thank you to anyone who has advice.

Submitted January 01, 2017 at 11:13PM by its_a_mad_world electricians

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