Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Potential Break In LetsNotMeet

Long time lurker on this sub, first time posting after the scariest shit ever happened to me tonight. Here we go...

So, typically I like to stay up late at night and do all my cleaning around the house. I kinda have pretty bad insomnia so it's hard for me to sleep and when I clean it's my decompression. Tonight was no different.

So, just to give an idea of my surroundings... I kinda live in a rough part of town. My neighborhood is actually pretty decent but a few streets over there is a lot of drug activity and gang activity. My house is pushed back about 70 yards from the street and everyone I know who's ever been to my place always passes it up. You'd really never know there is even a house here even though it's kinda like suburbia. It's weird. Onto my story.

So, I'm doing dishes and right through my kitchen door is a laundry room/indoor patio where we also put our refrigerator. Before I started cleaning up the kitchen and doing dishes, I put a load of laundry in the washer and decided that I'd bring the dog and his kennel inside the laundry room patio after I finished hanging the clothes and folding them once I got them out of the dryer. Since it's raining, I started to feel bad and decided to let him in after I finished putting the load in the washer. I regret this tremendously.

So, after bringing the dog in and going back to the work in the kitchen I start hearing my dog growl. He's the guardian of the backyard and he's an attack dog (lab and pit, super lovable to us but he's a protector) and I knew something was off because I've never heard him growl while being inside of his kennel on the laundry room patio. He was getting progressively loud which weirded me the hell out so I went and checked on him and grabbed something to drink before I put something on TV waiting for the laundry to finish.

When I went to check on him, I heard a sound in the backyard. Right as I heard that sound, my dog let out a vicious growl louder than the previous ones and chills went all over my body. Right above the dryer, there is a window so you can see in the backyard, so I decided to flip the yard light on and see what was up. (I was kinda expecting it to be sounds from the storm going on outside)

As soon as I flipped that damn light on, staring at me through the window, was a guy in a black ski mask wearing what looked like a dark track suit. I have never screamed so loud in my life. You'd think this guy would take off after I caught him, but he started TAPPING ON THE FUCKING WINDOW SMILING AT ME. I yelled for my boyfriend to get the gun (we don't have a gun, but I thought yelling this would scare him away) and this guy took off like lightning. I've never been so scared in my entire life.

Thankfully, our house does have an alarm system and it was armed, so he wouldn't have made any progress getting into the house if that was his intentions. The cops just left my house and they said they would be patrolling the area as there has been frequent break ins around town. I can't sleep and I'm scared to death, my boyfriend tried to calm me down before he was able to peacefully go back to sleep, but it didn't work. Lol.

So, guy with the creepy ski mask and track suit in the rain who would have been attacked by my dog if he were outside. Let's not meet, like, ever.

Submitted January 04, 2017 at 02:04PM by fakesgetstitches LetsNotMeet

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