Monday, January 2, 2017

Please be careful if you have a Whirlpool or KitchenAid Dishwasher Austin

Hi All:

Two days ago I ran the dishwasher and needed to grab a dish out before it was done.

When I opened the dishwasher, a huge cloud of thick, dry smoke poured out and none of the dishes were wet / there was no water. After I got everything cleaned up I noticed some of the plastic had melted on the thin meal prep containers, and everything else was fine although covered in thin ash.

After typing things into Google like "dishwasher fire help" and "can dishwasher burn down apartment" I discovered that this in fact a thing.

Please see this link from CR:

And also this trial attorney's mini site:

I live in an apartment complex up north near the Arboretum that was built in 1996. The refrigerator and microwave in my apartment were both built that year (says so on a label on the inside), so I suspect the dishwasher is just as old. The complex is very nice and really well run, so I assume if it could happen here it could happen elsewhere in Austin.

Submitted January 02, 2017 at 11:46PM by Top19 Austin

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