Monday, January 23, 2017

NoSleepInterviews: Community Questions for Human_Gravy! NoSleepOOC

On this episode of NoSlurpIntestines, we're teaching you how to make homemade /u/Human_Gravy from scratch!

You'll need the following ingredients:

A meat popsicle

Horror d'Oeuvres


Sage advice for newcomers

A well seasoned arsenal of masturbation jokes

Stir enthusiastically, with sensuous hip gyrations

Drizzle lightly on oven roasted human, and mashed potatoes

The mighty and noble Human Gravy is a former ruler of these parts, who spent his days issuing royal decrees such as The Three Lessons I Learned Pursuing A Career in Psychology, helping the populace with important matters like The Journal in Storage Unit 25, and beheading those who wronged him and his fellow members of parliament, then covering up their dastardly deeds. Though he's since moved on to ruling shorter, scarier pastures, he's still a beloved and savory delicacy in this community, and now's your chance to ask him all the slowly congealing inquiries spoiling in the refrigerator of your mind!

We're accepting all inquiries, whether they be about if "Human Gravy" is actually a euphemism, or which animal he would change into first if he were a character in the Animorphs series, but we'll write a dirty limerick using your name on a public bathroom wall if you ask him questions about NoSleep, ShortScaryStories, writing, or horror.

In the interest of being concise, we unfortunately may not be able to include all questions asked in the final interview, but don't look so glum, little plum - Gravy will also be doing a LIVE AMA in the official OOC chat Thursday, February 2nd from 5-7pm EST! To ensure questions are asked and answered in an orderly fashion, inquiries will be submitted by entering the IRC and private messaging them to cmd102. All questions will be asked if time permits.

Tune back in to /r/NoSleepInterviews Monday, January 30th to see him perform the entire soundtrack of Hamilton by memory! In the meantime, get better acquainted with him on Facebook, Wordpress, Twitter, and Goodreads, or purchase the phenomenal brand spankin' new anthology Horror d'Oeuvres featuring writers from NoSleep and /r/ShortScaryStories!

Submitted January 23, 2017 at 09:15PM by poppy_moonray NoSleepOOC

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