Monday, January 23, 2017

(NH)Questions on collections on assets for civil judgement out of state + living with others? legaladvice

I recently got a judgement on a civil defamation suit from NJ. My bank account is protected because I only get SSI, I don't have any property like a house or car, and I'm very sure the person is going to collect on my other assets.

I'm wondering if the rules on what can be taken will apply from the debtors state, or my state. His state (NJ) says that I can only keep 1000 dollars worth my belongings, and that'd pretty much leave me with just a bed!

Can they take absolutely anything I have like DVDS, plush toys and books or only 'valuables' like electronics and jewelry? Everything I read on NJ law it didn't say there was any limit on what they could take.

There's also other people in my house that I rent from. The refrigerator, TV, computer isn't mine, can they take that?

Any help or answers is greatly appreciated, I tried googling it but couldn't find any answers for some reason.

Submitted January 24, 2017 at 12:17AM by civjudgethrowaway legaladvice

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