Wednesday, January 4, 2017

How do you deal with temptation? stopdrinking

I decided to make 2017 less about me and more about my family. So I decided I am done with booze. I am hitting the switch. I decided I don't need it and I don't want it in my life. I don't want to smell like booze when I put my kids to bed, I don't want to lay on the couch on Saturday while they play. I don't want to have to "burn off" my hangovers at work anymore. I want to be a better person and that person doesn't have a use for alcohol anymore.

With all that being said, I am in an industry well-associated with drinking. When we go places, we go for a few weeks to a month at a time, and we go without wives or kids. There is always a bar within walking distance. We get off work and we go drinking. It's what we have always done, and it's likely what we will always do. All of my work friendships revolve around it. There are refrigerators in offices with thirty packs, and there are freezers with handles inside. Day-to-day, I'm fine. I can be around it and be around people drinking. Usually. But we have a two week trip planned within the next few months, and I am worried about it. I don't know how I will be able to avoid all of the situations. Fourteen nights of everyone I know going to the bars while I stay in my hotel room doesn't sound like a good time to me. It doesn't really even sound possible if I'm being honest with myself.

I just want to know how you do it. If any of you have any pointers on not giving-in under those circumstances, I would love to hear them.

Submitted January 04, 2017 at 08:21PM by CerwinVegas55 stopdrinking

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