Monday, January 2, 2017

Burned out outlet. electricians

Hello /r/electricians I need help.

[Disclaimer: some details are a bit sketchy since I wasn't there. And we have no experience handling electrical outlets whatsoever.]

One of our outlet in the kitchen has burned out. My mom moved the rice cooker while it was plugged and caused a spark/fire. Now, we are scared to plug anything to it. Everything else in our kitchen works fine, except our refrigerator, which I believe, is plugged into a different outlet (behind the refrigerator).

Here's a couple of pictures on my situation.

My main concern really is, if we're at risk of causing fire.

What do we do while we wait for the electrician?

Is there anything else we should be concerned about?

Does this need fixing ASAP?

Please help and thank you!

Edit: the 2nd picture is the cord connected to our rice cooker, my mom said it's the one that caught fire but as the 1st picture shows, the outlet also seemed to have caught fire/spark.

Submitted January 03, 2017 at 12:14AM by NotNyse electricians

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