Monday, January 2, 2017

2016 Creepy Ghost in the house? Ghosts

I have a picture to go along with it but I'm not sure how to upload it with the text.

story: My Mother stayed with us for a few weeks. She said she heard a noise at night and saw a woman that looked like she had blond hair walking around the kitchen. We are taking care of an elderly woman with blond hair that is diabetic. We thought that it was her getting up at night and eating some sweets so we decided to set up a camera to make sure that she wasn't doing harm to herself. We set the camera to take pictures on top of the refrigerator and left it.
The next morning when we woke up and saw that the camera had captured something. We looked at the picture and we saw what looked like a woman with a little boy next to her. The boy seemed to be putting something in his mouth (from the blurry picture). The eyes seemed black/distorted I'm assuming it was from the bad camera quality.

After this I put an extra lock on the door and set up the camera again. The next night nobody showed.

It has been a couple of months now and nothing new has happened. My guess is that it was a homeless lady or a struggling mother that was breaking in and stealing the food. I have the picture if anybody want's to see it I just need to figure out how to upload the damn thing.

Submitted January 03, 2017 at 06:16AM by FireStory Ghosts

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