Saturday, April 23, 2016

Windows 10 is frustrating me to tears. rant


I wanted Windows 7. I wanted it so much that I installed it. And nothing worked. No Win7 drivers whatsoever. Warning to all: Do not buy an Asus N552VX laptop unless you really, really want Windows 10. Because that's the only option.

So back in with Windows 10. Oh joy. Joy beyond words. Literally.

For several weeks now I've gotten the "update - restart" messages, about every other day. Or I just wake up to an idle machine in the morning. And every time, Windows is unable to apply the updates, and then un-updates the machine. Rinse and repeat.

I have no control in this matter. Pro tip, Microsoft: When you create a forced, automatic process, make sure it actually works before you stuff it down your users' throats. Or up another orifice.

Not that I give a shit about viruses any more, if indeed that's one of the unmentioned failed updates. Windows 10 gives me more grief than all the viruses I've encountered my entire life.

I then tried to re-install Windows. It promptly kept the old Windows folder without asking me. And a "system reserved" drive suddenly popped up.

This is not what I want. I want a clean install.

Of course, my dual-boot options disappeared in the process. Windows doesn't like competition. Especially not Linux.


I tried to go through the Windows install DVD, hoping to find a disk partitioning tool. I don't know if I found it. The "helpful" messages didn't hint what the different choices did. I couldn't take the chance that my D: drive would survive. With all my games and save-games on.

Time to nuke from gparted-orbit. Nobody messes with gparted. I'll just have to re-install Debian. But I've learned. OS on one drive, all data on another. That way I can reinstall the OS without having to restore my data afterwards.

Now I'm installing Windows fresh on a clean disk. For the umpteenth time. Oh, look. Uplifting messages. "WE'RE HAPPY THAT YOU'RE HERE." Well, I'm not particularly happy. "LOTS OF GREAT FEATU" Fuck you, shut up, and die in a fire. Also, fuck you.

I have completely lost control of my PC. I have no idea what Windows is going to "help" me with next. I try to pull the bottom part of a window down to the taskbar, and windows makes the window full height. Why? Who the hell farted out the obnoxious idea that one action should trigger a completely unrelated action? I do no want the top of the window to move, I just want the bottom part to do what I fucking want it to do. The OS is supposed to do what I want it to do, not the other way around.

But no, Microsoft knows best. Must I ask Windows' permission to wipe after taking a shit? "YOU MUST WAIT UNTIL 3:30 BEFORE WIPING. OTHERWISE I WILL RESTART YOUR BOWEL MOVEMENTS NOW."

I know that some of these annoyances would go away if I upgraded to the Pro version. No, and fuck no. I don't throw good money after bad. Now I hate Windows 10 for making my life hell, and Microsoft for enabling it to do so. Microsoft has left Redmond, and moved to Hell. And the Devil is impressed.

I'm tempted to install Linux and just run Win7 in a virtual machine.

I sometimes wonder how the human race will exterminate itself. Now I know. Microsoft will start making cars and household appliances. "YOU CANNOT ACCESS THE REFRIGERATOR AT THIS TIME. PLEASE WAIT WHILE WE RESTART YOUR HUNGER."

I shall now endeavour to get most thoroughly drunk. Though I feel I must hurry before Microsoft disables my beer as a harmful substance.

Submitted April 23, 2016 at 06:12PM by ScrotumPower rant

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