Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Champ Idea- Frigorus Champion of the Watchers (reformatted) leagueoflegends

Hey Reddit, this is my first time posting so i'll apologize in advance for any and all rookie mistakes. I've had this champion idea in my head for quite some time (since Lissandras release) so I finally put the thoughts down on paper to see if others are as interested in the idea as I am. I'm going to skip over his lore for now as i'm sure this is already quite the text wall, but I've gotten a decent back story set for this guy, and will definitely add it on if it gets enough interest. As far as looks i'm a terrible artist so use your imagination, but i picture him as a similar structure to the zombies in the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic, just on a much larger scale.

Frigorus, Champion of the Watchers.- "There is a moment in every great battle, where ones will is truly tested. They will scream for their mothers, cry to the heavens, plead for mercy, but only I will reply."

Base stats. Health - 575 Attack Damage- 62 Health Regen - 8.3 Attack Speed- 0.62 Mana- 325 Armor - 28 Mana Regen - 6.5 MR - 33 Melee Range- 130 Movement Speed- 330

P- Frostbite - Frigorus' auto attacks, Crippling strike, and Frozen grasp apply a stack frostbite on his target stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last 8 seconds. At 4 stacks the target is slowed by (10/15/20/25/30%) and Frigorus gains bonus abilities on his spells. all stacks are consumed on spell use. Frigorus may not apply stacks of frostbite on the same target for 11/10/9/8/7 seconds after frostbite has been consumed by an ability.

Q- Crippling Strike / Skull Shatter- On first cast Frigorus swings his trueice warhammer for (45/60/75/90/105+55%AD ) and slowing the enemy by 10/15/20/25/30%. Applies a stack of Frostbite. On second cast, Frigorus slams his warhammer (.5 second cast time) at a target location dealing (60/75/90/105/120+65%AD) at 4 stacks of frostbite, Skull shatter also deals (5/7/9/12/15%missing health dmg) Crippling strike range- 350, Skull Shatter range- 500. Cooldown 11/10/9/8/7- Cooldown starts on first use of Q. Three second window after Crippiling strike to use Skull shatter

I picture the first cast of his Q being a similar spell width to Darius' apprehend but slightly shorter, His skull shatter however is more closely resembling a Vel'koz E in hitbox and having a brief delay before making impact.

W- Trueice barrer- Frigorus surrounds himself with shards of trueice, granting him bonus resistances (15/25/35/45/55 armor and mr) and slowing any enemies which attack him by (20%) while the ability is active. Barrier lasts 4 seconds. Trueice Barrier Cooldown-16 seconds

Probably the most lackluster part of his kit, I had a few different ideas but was worried about overloading / over-complicating things.

E- Frozen grasp / Deaths embrace- On first cast Frigorus summons claws of trueice in a targeted direction from underground, any targets hit receive a stack of frostbite. On second cast the claws of trueice emerge from underground and come back to Frigorus' location bringing any champions and neutral monsters back with them. Claws may pass through terrain but champions may not (good luck spaghetti code). At 4 stacks of frostbite, Deaths embrace roots all targets within it's grasp for 1 second. Frozen Grasp / Deaths Embrace range- 1000. Cooldown 25/22/19/16/13

The more unique aspect of his kit (and the part that will boil this spaghetti code and throw it against the wall), it's almost identical to Lissandras E in appearance. However instead of taking you to the target on second cast, it will slowly pull the target to you. Also it has some interactions with his own ult and other champions as the claws would be considered terrain.

R- Devastating Throw - Frigorus throws his trueice warhammer with all his might, dealing (300/400/500 +40%bonus AD) to all targets hit and knocking them in the direction the warhammer was thrown. If the targets collide with terrain or deaths embrace they are stunned for 1/1.25/1.5/ seconds Devastating Throw range- 1050. Cooldown 120/100/80

A cool ability in my opinion, it allows for some interesting engages with certain teamcomps, and makes his teamfighting around dragon/baron pit and in the jungle particularly dangerous.

So that's the rough draft for my champion concept, please comment and tell me what you like/dislike. Does he have to much CC? Are his abilities and concepts not that original? Does his name make you think of a bloodthirsty refrigerator? Any changes or ideas of your own are always more then welcome.

Submitted April 20, 2016 at 05:16PM by Maximus_Epicus leagueoflegends

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