Monday, April 18, 2016

A very vivid dream that's almost similar to real life events. Dreams

IRL, I have unsure feelings about someone (let's call him Josh). Josh has a girlfriend who is one of my closest friends. Two of my other friends, Mikey and Krisy make fun of me liking Josh. The dream was like a recent situation in which Krisy, Mikey and I were eating and Mikey called Josh over to sit next to me. The dream goes like this...

The dream went on like a normal day in campus, the five of us, plus two more friends went and have lunch. The next thing I knew, Josh mas seated away from his girlfriend and Mikey told me to sit next to Josh. As I sat, the "scene" changed to us walking in an unfamiliar hallway. Josh was next to me, Mikey and Krisy walked away from us. Josh then told me "I had to lose weight for her but I don't think it's worth it, maybe you'll appreciate me instead." He then started crying. When I opened the door in front of us, Josh then started sleeping under the refrigerator.

Submitted April 18, 2016 at 10:33PM by grumpynut31 Dreams

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