Monday, August 21, 2017

LCD monitor black out for a few seconds whenever refrigerator motor turns on/off(? It clicks). What is a solution to this? AskElectronics

My LCD monitor (with a 2.1A 19volt transformer) and mini fridge (1.7cu) is connected to the same outlet via various extension cord. Whenever the fridge's motor clicks (on or off I am not sure, I think it is both) the monitor would black out for a few seconds.

Other electronic appliances drawing from the same outlet (projector, 3D printers, Ice maker, computer, play-station,portable AC unit <-also blacks out the monitor on switch, LED main light etc.) isn't fazed by the mini fridge at all, just the monitor. So my original suspicion is that the monitor transformer doesn't have enough capacitor to stabilize the voltage, causing the monitor to reset whenever the fridge turns on and off(?). But it could be a safety feature on a branch extension cord or the transformer itself, I have no idea. I am thinking of making a board with a few 470uF electrolytic capacitor in parallel to the 19volt lines and place it between the transformer and the monitor to serve as a energy reservoir to stop this periodic black outs.

Is that a reasonable solution? Or it may be something else? I am not an electronic beginner but I am not an expert either. I fully recognize this is the phase where you can do stupid and dangerous things. I would very much like to hear your opinions.

Submitted August 21, 2017 at 06:20PM by ManWithoutOptions AskElectronics

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