Friday, August 18, 2017

How to achieve this infinity window light effect in side panel? (see picture) DIY

Hello. So I decided to do a home DIY project, and I want try to take the light effect seen in some of Monster Energy's refrigerators and replicate the effect in my PC case's glass side panel. The light effect I'm referring to is exhibited here As you can see, there is a logo in the window, which is illuminated by lights. You can see that there's a sort of infinity mirror effect going on with the logo, creating the effect that there's multiple layers of the logo being seen. I would like to replicate this effect in my case's side panel window, using my own personalized logo.

Inwin did something similar with their Infinity 805 case. However, the difference is that they made it into an actual mirror. I don't want it to become a full mirror like theirs. I still want it to be as transparent as a window and still function like one, exactly as seen in Monster's fridge. Does anyone own a Monster fridge with this light affect and/or can explain to me how to reproduce it in window? Thanks for any help.

Submitted August 19, 2017 at 12:20AM by deeefoo DIY

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