Thursday, May 25, 2017

Can "fermented" animal blood be toxic if particles are in the air? NoStupidQuestions

The refrigerator from hell. A tale from our new home:

When we moved into our new place our fridge wasn't working. That was a setback, but we waited on buying perishables, called the landlord, and had it fixed.

What ever he fixed he didn't fix all of the way and this past weekend it broke again. So the repairman came out two days ago, jiggled things(?), and then came back yesterday evening and replaced a part that probably should've been replaced awhile back. Of course by this point we thought the fridge was fixed so it was loaded with assortments of perishables that were now going to waste in the hot box known as our fridge.

At some point between two nights ago and last night a smell started to haunt the kitchen. It first smelled like waste (I thought Pup had pooped in the kitchen), but quickly grew more foul and sinister. Every day, walking into our home, the kitchen greeted us with a slap in the face.

Finally, tonight, we found the source.

When the repairman replaced the parts, he did not clean any of the liquid that had melted from the freezer and dropped into the bottom pan of the fridge. This goop has the blood from deer sausage, carnitas, chicken, and tilapia all mixed together in a soup of death. It's been pooling and fermenting in the heat of the refrigerator pump. Is it selfish of me to think he should've cleaned it up? Maybe. But at least tell me it's back there. I would've cleaned it myself.

I give up. I have to be a vegetarian now.

On to my question: Can this blood be in any way toxic through the air?

Submitted May 26, 2017 at 08:12AM by C_Eberhard NoStupidQuestions

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