Sunday, May 28, 2017

Help with landlord and repairs? AskSF

Hi everyone. So my landlord has said to call them whenever we have a problem, and so we have. The house we are renting (just the upstairs portion) is kind of old and was probably not treated well before our landlord bought it.

They have very nicely repaired the washer and dryer since they both broke almost immediately after we moved in. However, they have only tried to fix the refrigerator, sink & garbage disposal, and the dishwasher by calling their friend to look at them. None of these things have been fixed, they just get exasperated and leave after a few hours of trying.

I really appreciate their effort, but my food is getting spoiled and I can't wash any dishes. The dishwasher floods the sink, and the sink floods the dishwasher.

Should I just give up and hire a real professional on my own dollar? Thanks for your time, I know it's kind of a lengthy post, and I've never rented a home before this one. Have a great day!

Submitted May 28, 2017 at 11:32PM by BradEnds AskSF

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