Saturday, August 20, 2016

We're already Number #1 So Why Try Harder? melbourne

There is a new apartment project near me and its been finished for at least 3 months. Its sold out 100% to Chinese investors as I saw the advertisements in Mandarin on those Juwai websites. At night time someone is turning on the lights on randomly to give the impression that’s its occupied. There is also a big banner on the side of the building spruiking the early bird “low rent”. But they must think people are stupid, looking into those lit rooms you can see kitchens without refrigerators – a sure sign of no tenant. To be honest it would be a very lonely place to live in. Out of the entire complex I would say only around 5 apartments are lease. The top floor “penthouse” must be leased out to a crew of construction workers working on ANOTHER apartment complex under construction NEXT door. I know this as their balcony looks like a beer garden and they hang high viz construction clothing (alot!!) out on the balcony to dry. Bogans love this shit.

There was a time when people honestly thought Melbourne really was the most liveable city in the world. I have a friend whose dad told us he came back to Melbourne circa 1997 after leaving it initially in 1991 for London, then Sydney and Canberra. He said it had lighter traffic and a general low key sense of self which was admirable, coupled with superb cheap culture the pubs and grubs, the footy the cricket and enough general idiosyncrasy to make it genuinely interesting and vibrant. From there he told us he went again in 2000 to Hobart, Darwin, Moscow, Istanbul, Dublin, Moscow and then came back to Melbourne in 2012. It was a different city by then, inanely expensive, crowded and with a culture which had developed the feel of a generations worth of management texts being shoved down its throat, wrapped around a very baby boomer entitlement mindset sucking the life out of any form of cultural vibrancy or regulating it out of existence. Then he told us that it took him about a day to decide it wasn't the place for him.

Australia has created an economy which has trashed its education for cheap population ponzi, and made the strangulation of any investment case for creating a business or rising to the top of any non rentseeking profession, the raison d’etre for the contemporary economic management framework – for the benefit of the entitled babyboomer debt carrying set – the inter generational economic trade off it hands over to the future. And Melbourne is going to get a reaming somewhere along the line.

Formerly great, eminently liveable city maybe 20 years ago. Now just an overcrowded suck-hole of a place, destroyed in order to create playground for third worlders who got moneybags by being corrupt aka “governing” or “being related to the right people”.

I have no choice having been born when all of these changes started to take place but I'm keen to improve it. Being Number 1 on a shitty poll from a shitty magazine that no one cares about isn't the way to improve it.

Submitted August 20, 2016 at 03:27PM by ClayteeinMelb melbourne

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