Friday, August 26, 2016

GE Refrigerator on it's way out? Replaced Control Panel already.. appliancerepair

GE GSL22JFPC BS refrigerator - the back panel inside the freezer was covered in frost.. we called a guy. He took the panel off and melted the frost that was packed in the coils. He said he had worked on this Fridge a few years earlier before we moved in and he replace something (I don't recall what he said but I believe it was located near the bottom of the freezer, inside, behind the back wall panel).

He told me we had two options.. replace the control panel or just wait and see if melting the frost off the coils fixes the problem. He could tell the bottom part of the coils defrosted correctly, but the top part was not.

Fast forward two weeks, the back panel inside the freezer is starting to collect frost, and I can see the frozen food is a bit less frozen.

So I found a control panel locally, and replaced it.

It's now been two more weeks, and I can tell the temp is rising a bit.. ice cream is a bit softer, etc.

Is there something else I should try? Is this fridge on it's way out? I believe it is from 2000-ish (Serial: ZF223812 - Z = year 2000 I believe?)

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I'll also add that the water in the freezer door stopped for 2 days, and then somehow started again. When we'd put the glass under the ice dispenser for water, nothing happened.. the ice still fell out, but no water. Two days later is started working again for some reason.

Submitted August 27, 2016 at 09:47AM by modnod appliancerepair

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