Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Wait your turn shithead pettyrevenge

So I went to the grocery store today and as my SO and I were about to walk in through the door, some douche nozzle with a shitty hipster mullet tried to squeeze in the half a foot to my left so he could save .003 of a second.

Oh well would you look at that? There's something on sale in a refrigerator just to the left of the entrance. I quickly moved over and stared stupidly at ribs just to cost him another 2 seconds. Then he made a b-line for starbucks of course. Typical douche.

Someone's mother never taught them any basic manners. Just fucking wait for me to walk in and I promise it will be your turn immediately afterwards.

Submitted June 23, 2016 at 12:32AM by Manburpigx pettyrevenge

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