Saturday, June 25, 2016

Flat feet, support shoes hurt like dickens. What do? running

Last year I worked with the nice lady at the running shoe store and bought some support Asics with a healthy arch. She noticed my flat feet, and her treadmill/camera analysis says I overpronate, and support shoes are a Good Idea.

I tell you what, friends: running more than a mile or so in these shoes hurts the nonexistent arches of my feet like nobody's business. I kept trying, because Sunk Costs and I Don't Wanna Buy More Shoes, but it's just no damn good.

A good buddy of mine who runs like the wind says "meh, it's kinda pseudo-science ... wear something comfortable. If your feet hurt, you won't run." Which is true. My feet hurt, and I don't run much. She asked "back when you lifted weights all the time, what shoes did you like to wear?" and I told her Chucks, or sock feet, because honestly I felt the most stable that way.

Running isn't lifting, obviously, but I wonder if there's something to that? Clearly I shouldn't run in Chucks if it's any farther than the closest refrigerator. But if "support" type shoes are wrecking my arches, is a neutral shoe a better option?


Submitted June 26, 2016 at 03:49AM by MisterEnfilade running

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