Sunday, June 26, 2016

tIFU by harpooning a barrel. tifu

this was today, a few minutes ago. I am a micro brewer among many hobbies, my room is pretty dirty. I was moving around a few things the other day and I entered the realm of unknowable truths and eldritch abominations that occupy the space under refrigerators. I saw a metal rod under an adjacent cabinet that was lodged underneath its leg and decided to pluck it away to safety. Behold! it was a trap! Using the force of being dislodged, it proceeded to pierce through to my fermenting vat, which is conveniently made of plastic. I didn't remove the arrow from its hide, but when I do, I must be prepared. pudding DLTR: I stabbed my brewing ale with something I was trying to remove from under a cabinet.

Submitted June 26, 2016 at 04:56PM by neutrallyBiassed tifu

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