Fuck life. I'm being pressured into going to college because comedy ain't shit and I should have a real career, or a career to fall back on fuck that shit. That's why most adults never reach their dreams because they fukn get comfortable with their fukn fallback career and never have the guts to go for the dream. If I'm doing this comedy shit I'm going into it full swing no college and a fukn entry level drop will do. My younger sister yells at me and my mom all the fukn time. I live in a 2 bedroom fukn apartment with 7 people and a dog, it's fukn funny because as a kid I thought everyone's house was like this until I went to my white suburban friends home just to see him have his own room the size of my fukn living room and ps4 and redbull refrigerator. FUK me I'm just waiting until I'm 18 and I'm able to move out and commit my life to comedy. I'm not a fukn rich kid like most of r/teenagers so I'll live in a Hollywood motel for $400/month I planned this shit down to the very last drop. If I somehow died tomorrow I wouldn't even care though.
Submitted June 30, 2016 at 09:46AM by Birdman_Respek http://ift.tt/29rvIAy teenagers
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